GPUG Summit 2011 Las Vegas: Wrap Up

This was my first GPUG Summit (and my first GPPC as well) and I have to say I was utterly surprised by the level of organization, the training topics, the quality of the sessions (over 140!), and the spirit of the attendees. Frankly, except for the share number of people who attend Convergence, this event felt like any top class conference I have had the opportunity to participate in.

As is customary, this post will provide a summary of (most) links where you can find information on GPUG Summit 2011 Las Vegas, just in case you were not able to attend the event or missed any of the previous posts. So let's get started:

The Dynamics GP Blogster

GPUG Summit 2011: Getting there
GPUG Summit: Academy Training Day 1
GPUG Summit: Academy Training Day 2
GPUG Summit: Day 1
GPUG Summit: Day 2
GPUG Summit: Day 3

The DynamicsGP Blogster on Facebook

The Dynamics GP Blogster

The Dynamics GP Blogster on Twitter


DynamicAccounting (Mark Polino)

GPUG Summit Recap Part 1

GP2TheMax (Frank Hamelly)

Things Learned at GPUG Summit 2011

Finally, if you attended the Summit you will by now realize that the most important thing you can do for yourself after these events is begin expanding your professional network. It helps to know people who know people, who know people and will facilitate getting around those difficult business issues you may be facing.

Next destination... Microsoft Convergence Houston 2012 at GPUG DayONE 2012 See you soon!

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
IntellPartners, LLC


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