Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 Developer's Preview: Working with Sample URIs - Part 2
In the part 1 video, I explained how to mount the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 Developer's Preview virtual hard disk using Hyper-V. My intent was to provide a part two showing how to mount the VHD file on Windows Azure, but realized it would take more time than I wanted to invest in really getting the point across on many of the aspects around the new service architecture components, so I have decided to forgo the Azure portion until some other day. Today, I will focus on some of the sample service requests provided on the Developer's preview image, which can be found in the Example Service Requests.txt file available on the desktop of the image. Before however, I wanted to touch base on REpresentational State Transfer (REST) services . REST, a term first coined by Roy Fielding (a principle author of the HTTP specification) in his doctoral dissertation , is an architectural style that treats networked application states and functionality as resources, which share a unifo