5 Support Debugging Tool features you should be using today: Decisions Fall 2011

This time around, I will be presenting a topic around - what else! - the Support Debugging Tool: "5 Support Debugging Tool features you should be using today with Microsoft Dynamics GP". What can I say, I love long session titles.
This session is strictly an end-user oriented presentation whose sole objective is to demistify the complexities of the Standard Mode options in the Support Debugging Tool. That's right! No complex scripts, no Dexterity triggers, no XML mambo jambo... just plain simple talk on what's available for YOU the everyday mortal who works with Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Want the advanced stuff? Meet David and I at Microsoft Convergence 2012 in Houston (more on this in another post).
The session will feature 5 simple demoes that will, once and for all, convince you of installing the tool in your environment.
I will also be a panelist at the Microsoft Dynamics GP MVP Roundtable with my compadres, Frank Hamelly, Jivtesh Singh, and Mark Polino. You get to ask us anything Microsoft Dynamics GP and have some fun in the process. Register now!
Until next post!
Mariano Gomez, MVP
IntellPartners, LLC