Troubleshooting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client - Part 2

Part 2 - Resolving Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client Implementation Issues

Yesterday, in Part 1 of this series, I addressed the Microsoft Dynamics GP Support Team's posture when addressing Web Client support cases, by cataloging each reported issue as either implementation- or functional-related. In this opportunity, I will look at the major processes involved in driving your implementation-related support case to a rapid and successful closure.

In the process of troubleshooting your Web Client implementation issue, there are two categories of data that need to be compiled to close a support case: installation information and application related exceptions.

Compiling the installation information typically involves gathering the following information:
  • Type of installation (Intranet/Extranet/both)
  • Information about certificates
  • Firewall and Ports information
  • Number of servers supporting the installation (Web Servers/Session Hosts/SQL Servers)
  • Information about load balancers (if exist)
  • Domain security groups and user accounts
  • Run the Web Client Diagnostic Tool available as an option when you open a support case.
  • Provide the XML output file created by the Web Client Implementation Tool, if available

Compiling the Web Client application related exceptions involves gathering the following information:
  • Dynamics application log events
  • Session Service logs (if enabled)
  • Session Central logs (if enabled)
  • Internet Information Services (IIS) logs
  • Web page exception messages
  • Tenant exception information (if using Multi-tenant Services)
  • Fiddler and Microsoft Network Monitor (Netmon) traces

Web Client implementation exceptions can usually be identified by an "Unexpected Error" message in the browser as shown below:

Web Client application exception

Traditionally a support case would be started with a screenshot of an issue. However, as it relates to Web Client, Microsoft Dynamics GP Support cannot determine what an exception really means other than the fact that you encountered an exception. As such, Web Client implementation cases will usually require running the Web Client Diagnostic Tool in addition to providing Event Viewer information related to the Correlation ID displayed in the browser.

Event Viewer: Dynamics application event log

In a future installment, I will be covering all the troubleshooting tools available at your disposal, including the Web Client Diagnostic Tool, Web Client Implementation ToolFiddler, and Netmon among others.

In Part 3 of this series, I will address functional exceptions and resolution of functional issues.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
IntellPartners, LLC


Bharti said…

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