Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2010 - Day 3

Monday - Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2010 day 3 began with a bang. David and I would be on stage at 10:30 AM to present our second session, CSGP29 - Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP like the pros. We had high expectations for this session since it was our chance to present the Support Debugging Tool.

We attended a security session presented by Microsoft's Lucas Miller which would serve as entrée to our session. Very interesting to note is that most attendees in the security session showed up immediately after to our session.

CSGP29 went down very well with the attendees, as Support Debugging Tool one again proved that it can centralize a great deal of Microsoft Dynamics GP administrative tasks. I believe the feature that attendees appreciate the most is the powerful security administration via Security Profiler

Our session concluded with a round of applauses and did our presenters duties for the day. We are now both very hopeful that our session will lead customers and partners to install Support Debugging Tool across the board.

Off we were to get some lunch -- have to say that presenting a session can make you very very hungry. After lunch we joined in to the GPUG Security conduit session. Being there was extremely exciting as customers attending the session had a number of interesting real life scenarios that Dave and I were able to provide answers to.

Following the Security conduit session, we returned to the Expo Hall where I was able to catch up with the Microsoft Dynamics Community team. I was able to get a preview of the new Community features which I must say have been dramatically improved over the current offering. The new features are currently being beta tested and should be out sometimes in June. The Expo was busy as ever.

After the Expo Hall, David and I went to the Presenters Support room (B-314) to check on our sessions (CSGP28, CSGP29) eval progress where we met up with the person who made it all happen for all presenters, Ace Martin. I must say that Ace and her team provided valuable behind the scenes assistance to make sessions go as smooth as possible for all presenters.

David, Ace, and Mariano

What would be a Convergence without a party? After a long successful day, David and I went to crash a party being hosted by the Tribridge folks. It was also an opportunity to meet up with my wife who I hadn't seen in all day and some of our friend in town. We also took pictures with some interesting characters.

Fay Camargo, Bono (U2), Marina Dzyura

Bono (U2), David

Bono (U2), Marina Dzyura, Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball, David

David, Marina and I were at the party for close to 2 hours and were off to have a quiet dinner. After dinner, my wife and I dropped David off at the Omni Hotel and went home. After all, the final day of Convergence would prove even more grueling than the previous 3.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Maximum Global Business, LLC


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