Changing Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Home Page Background Color

Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Home Page is one of those application elements users and developers tend to be extremely intrigued about. It provides the ability to view To Do's, pending Outlook email messages, incorporate Metrics, add shortcuts to Reports and ability to incorporate custom links, but how come the user is not able to define certain preferences like colors and other features?
Some of these "secrets" are programmed in the HomePage.xsl stylesheet file, which can be located in the Background directory under the Dynamics GP installation folder (Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Background).
The file can be edited with Visual Studio or Notepad for that matter. Once opened, search for:
This tag can be found in the body tag of the html section of the document. If you happen to be editing with Visual Studio, you can open a dummy Win32 project and play with the background colors of the window. When you find the right color, take note of the HEX code and replace the above (#F9F9F9) with the code in VS.
Keep in mind that many of GP's homepage elements are also white by default and will need to be changed accordingly to match whatever background color you choose.
Until next post!
Mariano Gomez, MIS, MCP, PMP
Maximum Global Business, LLC
Is there a way to change the home page color based on what company you log into?