Moving data between Microsoft Dynamics GP companies

I recently came across a question as to how to move data across Dynamics GP companies. It then became almost an instant challenge to find all the possible answers to this question and while I don't claim to have them all, I will point out as many methods (and resources) I could think of. If you have used other methods I would certainly value your input to this post.

So here we go:

Method 1. SQL Server Backup/Restore.
This method assumes you will be creating an exact copy of the production data for either test purposes or as a simple fall back method for recovery purposes. See KB article 871973 for more information on how to create a mirrored copy of your GP data.

Method 2. Support Debugging Tool
You can use Support Debugging Tool's XML Export and XML Import features to select specific tables to transfer. If transfering master tables, KB article 872709 lists the tables you will need to select for the transfer.

Method 3. Integration Manager
Integration Manager is still one of the best methods to transfer data between companies, especially at the end of an implementation, when you need to import master records and beginning balances into a production company that were previously recorded in a test company. Integration Manager can be found on your Microsoft Dynamics GP installation CDs. The following are links to the latest Integration Manager updates:

Microsoft Dynamics GP v9 - Click here
Microsoft Dynamics GP v10 - Click here

Method 4. SnapShot for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Written by David Musgrave, SnapShot works by copying the contents of selected tables to Ctree files in a separate folder, thus creating a SnapShot of the data. This separate folder can then be copied to a target system and the data inserted back into the actual tables. For more information on SnapShot and to download the product, visit the Developing for Dynamics GP website here.

Method 5. Company Setup Automated Solution
If the purpose is to transfer only setup information, then you will want to try the automated solution offered by Microsoft. The automated solution can be found here (CustomerSource/PartnerSource access required). For more information on Automated Solutions check out my previous article here.

Method 6. Table Import
Table Import is the forgotten tool. As many new and more robust tools are developed, this tool seems to drop to the bottom of the memory lane. Don't forget that Table Import can bring data into specific GP tables that are not supported by the tools. Click here for more information about Table Import.

Hope you find these methods useful and contribute to the article with other methods you have used.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Maximum Global Business, LLC


AndyW said…
I'll add one more method to your list if I may...the Rapid Configuration Tool for Microsoft Dynamics GP! This tool can actually export the majority of config/setup data from the core GP modules into a series of Excel files, which can then be re-imported into a 2nd company using the same tool. Great way to rapidly configure a new GP company that is similar to one already setup!

Andy from the MSFT GP Team
AndyW said…
Almost can download the Rapid tools from here in case you are interested in trying this for yourself:
Mariano Gomez said…

You are absolutely welcome to post any comments to the articles you see on the site. The Rapid Configuration Tool is absolutely one of the best options for transferring data between companies.

I will perhaps create a new article in using RCT for this purpose.

Thanks for your input!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Maximum Global Business, LLC
Anonymous said…
I am very glad to see such information which I was searching for a long time.
international moving companies
tcxgarcia said…
Just to "refresh" the post... Now that the PSTL (Professional is free, the copy company setup functionality is one to definitely try.

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