How to automatically send all posting reports to screen in Microsoft Dynamics GP

My buddy and fellow MVP Frank Hamelly had been excited about a trick he did for one of his clients, so I figured I would materialize his trick in this article.

Business Situation

In this day and age where the economy seems to be at the center piece of all business decisions, not even Dynamics GP has escaped the turmoil. Customers are demanding more efficient use of all business resources and paper is certainly one of those elements that lend themselves for true money saving. Frank's customer had wondered if all posting reports could automatically be directed to screen without manually having to go into each series posting option to change the output. In addition, he requested the system not ask for the destination of the report each time it was going to be printed.


The Posting Setup window (Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Posting | Posting) displays all posting reports based on the series and transaction origin.

Posting Setup window

These settings are then stored in the Posting Journal Destinations table (SY02200) under the company database. In order to understand how data is stored in the SY02200 table, run the following query against your company database:

FROM SY02200;

In turn, the query will return the following result set:
-------- ------ ------------------------- ------------------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1        6      Manual Checks             Benefit Register                1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             State Tax Register              1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Local Tax Register              1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Tip Allocation Posting Register 1        0        0        0
0        6      Manual Checks             Shift Code Register             1        0        0        0
1        6      Period-End Reports        FUTA Posting Register           1        0        0        0
1        6      Period-End Reports        SUTA Posting Register           1        0        0        0
1        6      Period-End Reports        Workers' Comp Posting Register  1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Check Register                  1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Check Posting Register          1        0        0        0
0        6      Void Checks               Vacation/Sick Time Acc Register 1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Pay Type Register               1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Department Register             1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Position Register               1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Deduction Register              1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Benefit Register                1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               State Tax Register              1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Local Tax Register              1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Tip Allocation Posting Register 1        0        0        0
0        6      Void Checks               Shift Code Register             1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        6      Void Checks               Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        5      Transaction Entry         Inventory Transaction Journal   1        0        0        0
1        5      Transfer Entry            Inventory Transfer Journal      1        0        0        0
1        5      Transaction Entry         Inventory Transaction Edit List 1        0        0        0
1        5      Transfer Entry            Inventory Transfer Edit List    1        0        0        0
1        5      Transaction Entry         Transaction GL Register         1        0        0        0
1        5      Transfer Entry            Transfer GL Register            1        0        0        0
1        5      Transaction Entry         Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      Transfer Entry            Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        3      Invoice Entry             Invoice Posting Journal         1        0        0        0
1        3      Invoice Entry             Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        3      Invoice Entry             Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        3      Invoice Entry             Inventory Sales Register        1        0        0        0
1        3      Invoice Entry             Salesperson Register            1        0        0        0
1        3      Invoice Entry             Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        3      Invoice Entry             Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        3      Sales Transaction Entry   Sales Posting Journal           1        0        0        0
1        3      Sales Transaction Entry   Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
0        3      Sales Transaction Entry   Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
0        3      Sales Transaction Entry   Inventory Sales Register        1        0        0        0
0        3      Sales Transaction Entry   Salesperson Register            1        0        0        0
1        3      Sales Transaction Entry   Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        3      Sales Voided Transactions Sales Voided Posting Journal    1        0        0        0
1        3      Sales Deposits            Sales Deposits Journal          1        0        0        0
1        3      Sales Transaction Entry   Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        3      Sales Deposits            Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        2      Bank Deposit Entry        Bank Deposit Posting Journal    1        0        0        0
1        2      Bank Transaction Entry    Bank Trx Posting Journal        1        0        0        0
1        2      Reconcile Bank Statement  Bank Adj Posting Journal        1        0        0        0
1        2      Reconcile Bank Statement  Cleared Transactions Journal    1        0        0        0
1        2      Reconcile Bank Statement  Reconciliation Posting Journal  1        0        0        0
1        2      Bank Transfer Entry       Bank Transfer Posting Journal   1        0        0        0
1        4      Purchasing Voided Trx     Purchasing Voided Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Receivings Trx Entry      Receivings Posting Journal      1        0        0        0
1        4      Receivings Trx Entry      Receivings Distribution Detail  1        0        0        0
1        4      Receivings Trx Entry      Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        4      Receivings Trx Entry      Back-Ordered Items Received     1        0        0        0
1        4      Receivings Voided Trx     Receivings Voided Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Edit PO Status            Edit PO Status Distributions    1        0        0        0
1        4      Edit PO Status            Edit PO Variance Journal        1        0        0        0
1        4      Purchasing Invoice Entry  POP Invoice Posting Journal     1        0        0        0
1        4      Purchasing Invoice Entry  Invoice Distribution Detail     1        0        0        0
1        4      Purchasing Invoice Entry  Invoice Cost Variance Journal   1        0        0        0
1        4      Purchasing Invoice Entry  Back-Ordered Items Received     1        0        0        0
1        4      Voided Purchase Invoice   Voided Purchase Invoice Journal 1        0        0        0
1        7      Equipment Log Entry       Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        7      Equipment Log Entry       Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        7      Misc. Log Entry           Misc. Log Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        5      Assembly Entry            Assembly Posting Journal        1        0        0        0
1        5      Assembly Entry            Assembly Distribution Detail    1        0        0        0
1        5      Depot Adjustment          Transaction GL Register         1        0        0        0
1        5      Depot Adjustment          Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      RMA Adjustment            Inventory Transaction Journal   1        0        0        0
1        5      RMA Adjustment            Transaction GL Register         1        0        0        0
1        5      RMA Adjustment            Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      RTV Adjustment            Inventory Transaction Journal   1        0        0        0
1        5      RTV Adjustment            Transaction GL Register         1        0        0        0
1        5      RTV Adjustment            Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      SC C-Line Adjustment      Inventory Transaction Journal   1        0        0        0
1        5      SC C-Line Adjustment      Transaction GL Register         1        0        0        0
1        5      SC C-Line Adjustment      Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      SC Inventory Adjustment   Inventory Transaction Journal   1        0        0        0
1        5      SC Inventory Adjustment   Transaction GL Register         1        0        0        0
1        5      SC Inventory Adjustment   Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      SC R-Line Adjustment      Inventory Transaction Journal   1        0        0        0
1        5      SC R-Line Adjustment      Transaction GL Register         1        0        0        0
1        5      SC R-Line Adjustment      Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        4      Returns Trx Entry         Returns Posting Journal         1        0        0        0
1        4      Returns Trx Entry         Returns Distribution Detail     1        0        0        0
1        4      Returns Trx Entry         Returns Cost Variance Journal   1        0        0        0
1        7      Timesheet Entry           Timesheet Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        7      Timesheet Entry           Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        7      Timesheet Entry           Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        7      Equipment Log Entry       Equipment Log Posting Journal   1        0        0        0
1        5      Assembly Entry            Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        2      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Register-Detail     1        0        0        0
1        2      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Register-Summary    1        0        0        0
1        2      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Journal             1        0        0        0
1        2      Euro Conversion           GL Euro Conv. Journal           1        0        0        0
1        2      Euro Conversion           GL Euro Conv. Register-Detail   1        0        0        0
1        2      Euro Conversion           GL Euro Conv. Register-Summary  1        0        0        0
1        2      Reconcile Bank Statement  Outstanding Transaction Report  1        0        0        0
1        5      SC Inventory Transfer     Inventory Transfer Journal      1        0        0        0
1        5      SC Inventory Transfer     Transfer GL Register            1        0        0        0
1        5      SC Inventory Transfer     Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      Depot Transfer            Inventory Transfer Journal      1        0        0        0
1        5      Depot Transfer            Transfer GL Register            1        0        0        0
1        5      Depot Transfer            Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      RMA Transfer              Inventory Transfer Journal      1        0        0        0
1        5      RMA Transfer              Transfer GL Register            1        0        0        0
1        5      RMA Transfer              Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      RTV Transfer              Inventory Transfer Journal      1        0        0        0
1        5      RTV Transfer              Transfer GL Register            1        0        0        0
1        5      RTV Transfer              Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      SC R-Line Transfer        Inventory Transfer Journal      1        0        0        0
1        5      SC R-Line Transfer        Transfer GL Register            1        0        0        0
1        5      SC R-Line Transfer        Cost Variance Journal           1        0        0        0
1        5      Depot Adjustment          Inventory Transaction Journal   1        0        0        0
1        4      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Register-Summary    1        0        0        0
1        4      Euro Conversion           PM Euro Conv. Journal           1        0        0        0
1        4      Euro Conversion           PM Euro Conv. Register-Detail   1        0        0        0
1        4      Euro Conversion           PM Euro Conv. Register-Summary  1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Sales Entry   Sales Entry Posting Journal     1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Sales Entry   Sales Detail GL Register        1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Sales Entry   Sales Summary GL Register       1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Cash Receipts Cash Receipts Posting Journal   1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Cash Receipts Cash Detail GL Register         1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Cash Receipts Cash Summary GL Register        1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Apply Doc.    Discounts/Writeoffs Journal     1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Apply Doc.    Apply Detail GL Register        1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Apply Doc.    Apply Summary GL Register       1        0        0        0
1        3      Voided Trx Maintenance    Voided Trx Posting Journal      1        0        0        0
1        3      Voided Trx Maintenance    Voided Trx Detail GL Register   1        0        0        0
1        3      Voided Trx Maintenance    Voided Trx Summary GL Register  1        0        0        0
1        3      Transfer Commission       Commissions Posting Journal     1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Sales Entry   Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        3      Receivables Cash Receipts Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        3      Voided Trx Maintenance    Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        3      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Journal             1        0        0        0
1        3      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Register-Detail     1        0        0        0
1        3      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Register-Summary    1        0        0        0
1        3      Euro Conversion           RM Euro Conv. Journal           1        0        0        0
1        3      Euro Conversion           RM Euro Conv. Register-Detail   1        0        0        0
1        3      Euro Conversion           RM Euro Conv. Register-Summary  1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Check Register                  1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Check Posting Register          1        0        0        0
0        6      Computer Checks           Vacation/Sick Time Acc Register 1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Pay Type Register               1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Department Register             1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Direct Deposit Check Register   1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Direct Deposit Register         1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Direct Deposit Trxs Register    1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Position Register               1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Deduction Register              1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Benefit Register                1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           State Tax Register              1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Local Tax Register              1        0        0        0
1        6      Computer Checks           Tip Allocation Posting Register 1        0        0        0
0        6      Computer Checks           Shift Code Register             1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Check Register                  1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Check Posting Register          1        0        0        0
0        6      Manual Checks             Vacation/Sick Time Acc Register 1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Pay Type Register               1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Department Register             1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Position Register               1        0        0        0
1        6      Manual Checks             Deduction Register              1        0        0        0
1        2      Clearing Entry            Clearing Posting Journal        1        0        0        0
1        2      General Entry             General Posting Journal         1        0        0        0
1        2      Quick Entry               Quick Posting Journal           1        0        0        0
1        4      Payables Trx Entry        Trx Entry Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Payables Trx Entry        Trx Distribution Detail         1        0        0        0
1        4      Payables Trx Entry        Trx Distribution Summary        1        0        0        0
1        4      Payables Trx Entry        Trx Entry Check Register        1        0        0        0
1        4      Payment Entry             Payment Entry Posting Journal   1        0        0        0
1        4      Payment Entry             Payment Distribution Detail     1        0        0        0
1        4      Payment Entry             Payment Distribution Summary    1        0        0        0
1        4      Computer Checks           Computer Check Posting Journal  1        0        0        0
1        4      Computer Checks           Comp Chk Distribution Detail    1        0        0        0
1        4      Computer Checks           Comp Chk Distribution Summary   1        0        0        0
1        4      Computer Checks           Check Register                  1        0        0        0
1        4      Apply To                  Apply To Posting Journal        1        0        0        0
1        4      Void Open Trx             Void Open Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Void Historical Trx       Void Hist. Posting Journal      1        0        0        0
1        4      Payment Entry             Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Computer Checks           Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Payables Trx Entry        Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Void Historical Trx       Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Void Open Trx             Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        4      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Journal             1        0        0        0
1        4      Currency Revaluation      Revaluation Register-Detail     1        0        0        0
1        7      Misc. Log Entry           Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        7      Misc. Log Entry           Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        7      Employee Expense Entry    Employee Expense Posting Jrnl   1        0        0        0
1        7      Employee Expense Entry    Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        7      Employee Expense Entry    Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        7      Employee Expense Entry    Check Register                  1        0        0        0
1        7      Employee Expense Entry    Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        7      Billing Entry             Billing Posting Journal         1        0        0        0
1        7      Billing Entry             Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        7      Billing Entry             Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        7      Billing Entry             Checkbook Posting Journal       1        0        0        0
1        7      Inventory Transfer Entry  Inventory Xfer Posting Journal  1        0        0        0
1        7      Inventory Transfer Entry  Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        7      Inventory Transfer Entry  Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        7      Revenue Recognition Entry Rev Recognition Posting Jrnl    1        0        0        0
1        7      Revenue Recognition Entry Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        7      Revenue Recognition Entry Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        7      Project Closing           Project Closing Posting Journal 1        0        0        0
1        7      Project Closing           Dist Breakdown - Summary        1        0        0        0
1        7      Project Closing           Dist Breakdown - Detail         1        0        0        0
1        7      PA Returns Trx Entry      Project Posting Journal         1        0        0        0
1        7      PA Returns Trx Entry      Project Dist Breakdown - Detail 1        0        0        0
1        7      PA Returns Trx Entry      Project Dist Breakdown - Summar 1        0        0        0
0        3      Receivables Cash Receipts Sales Entry Posting Journal     1        0        0        0
0        3      Receivables Apply Doc.    Sales Entry Posting Journal     1        0        0        0
1        4      Edit PO Status            Encumbrance Summary Edit List   1        0        0        0
1        4      Edit PO Status            Encumbrance Audit Report        1        0        0        0
1        4      Computer Checks           EFT Payment Register            1        0        0        0

(220 row(s) affected)

The Table Columns

PRNTJRNL: It's a flag that will determine whether a posting journal will be printed at all. 0 - Don't Print, 1 - Print.

ASECTMNT: Ask Each Time - will force Dynamics GP to bring up the Report Destination window.

PRTOPRNT: Print to Printer - 0 - Don't Print, 1 - Print

PRTOSCNT: Print to Screen - 0 - Don't Print, 1 - Print

PRTOFLNT: Print to File - 0 - Don't Print, 1 - Print


To force all posting reports to screen, we can then run a query that will change the status of the PRTOSCNT column to 1 - Print, while changing the status of all the other output destination flag columns to 0, as follows:

-- Runs the update statement on the posting settings table

Remember: You can always filter this UPDATE statement by product series in order to control the posting journals output more granularly.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
IntellPartners, LLC


Mariano Gomez said…

Mariano Gomez, MIS, PMP
Anonymous said…
Great and useful solution and a comprehensive explanation.

Thank you very much!
Anonymous said…
PS - you're great!
Haroon said…
Very nice post which helped me a lot.

I wonder if there is any such method to direct all GP reports to screen.

Anonymous said…
very good, thank you. Do you know the table for manufacturing reports? And for Analytical Accounting reports?
Anonymous said…
Hello Mariano Gomez
First, Thanks for your efforts
Second , When post a batch the General posting journal report printed all transaction assigned to this batch ok?
the issue is can you help me to make the report print each transaction in a seperate page?
Anonymous said…
Hi Mario! You ROCK! I want to reiterate the question asked below.....When posting a batch the General posting journal report prints all transaction assigned to the batch together. My issue is, is there a way to make the report print print each transaction on a seperate page?
Mariano Gomez said…
To have the report print each transaction on a separate page, you will need to modify the report in Report Writer and add a page break on the last footer section, under report section options.

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Anonymous said…
Transaction --> Finance -> Bank Transaction

When posting Bank Transaction Posting journals it prints no data on one PC while the same user Id can Log to the other PC , Post transaction and print report ok,

Which dictionary to look for Bank Transaction Posting Journal on other PC ?-

No modification of forms / reports , Original Report only

this happening only on new clients installation thow i have installtion and same service pack as server and having no other issues in accessing data or printing genral reports.

Unknown said…
Thank you for your post.

Do you know how to set it up so that it creates posting report after integrating transactions through Integration Manager?

Specifically, I'm integrating Bank Transactions and I need to know posting journal numbers for the ones that have been integrated.

Thank you very much!
Big E said…
How about for saving Quotes/Orders/Invoices to a file. Can you set the default to pdf and pick a default location?

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