GPUG Summit 2014 St. Louis - Day 2

Thursday, October 16, 2014

With Day 1 behind us, Day 2 brought a lot of expectations as it was officially a full day of sessions. Yes, that meant a lot more sessions than even the day before. My day started out with Mariano's Toolbox Series: The Support Debugging Tool at 9:45 AM. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised to have over 60 people in this session, given the night before was Rock-n-Rave. The cool thing is, I just had two or 3 people who had been to the party.

After my session, I met up with a few folks over at the Mekorma Hub to discuss how their sessions were progressing. Then, we head down to the Meal Hall for lunch and to participate in the networking huddles.

Networking Huddles
My afternoon session, Mariano's Toolbox Series: Upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 at 2:00 PM was also received well with over 40 people in attendance. However, these Summit events are all about the spirit of the community. My good friend Kitty Geiger ( was in a pinch to get one of her Modifier with VBA examples for her session working, so we sat down at the Mekorma Hub to take a look at it. Given the complexity of what she was trying to achieve and the little time we had, we decided to download and use the sample VBA customization found on my Modifier with VBA Workshop series.

In the end, Kitty and I ended up both delivering her session, TechExpert: Leverage the Advantage of Modifier with VBA. This completed a day of 3 full sessions, so it was time to get some drinks and enjoy the rest of the evening.

I went to my hotel to drop off my stuff and met up with friends over at Copia Restaurant & Wine Garden for a wine tasting event hosted by Scribe Software. After wrapping up, we went over to PBR Cowboy Bar to tap off the evening with the FastPath team who was hosting a party to celebrate Andy Snook's birthday and in addition to simply, well, drink!

PBR St. Louis

Andy Snook at the Bass

I must say, I was quite surprised to learn that Andy Snook not only talks security, but also rocks the bass. The night went on and the drinks kept coming. However, I had a chance to catch up with a whole bunch of folks that you keep seeing at the same parties.

From left to right:
 Denis Day (DLD Business Solutions), Helen Samworth(m-hance USA), Chris Dew (eOne Business Solutions), Tanya Henderson (S2 Technology), Mark Polino (Integrated Business Group)

In this picture, the orange glasses came courtesy of Darcy Boerio, Channel Development Manager at Avalara.

MVPs Mariano Gomez and Mark Polino

Then there was the unspeakable. So it's best I leave it at that. It was past 2:30 AM when I left so I can only assume things continued throughout the morning for a few souls.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Intelligent Partnerships, LLC


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