This week, free Visual Basic for Applications workshop with the Dynamics GP Blogster

Hi folks!

I have been asked a number of times about some of the Modifier with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) customizations featured on my blog and those over at Developing for Dynamics GP. It's no secret that I co-author a number of development posts with my friend David Musgrave in the spirit of educating and delivering some of the best articles to the end-user and development communities alike.

In light of this, this week I will deliver a 3-day Online Modifier with Visual Basic for Applications workshop, featured right here on this blog, that will step through a real-life customization from end to end.

What you will need

For the workshop, you will need a registered copy of Microsoft Dynamics GP v10, the Fabrikam sample company, and familiarity with the overall Dynamics GP navigation.


This workshop assumes you have some familiarity with Modifier and have prior programming experience in Visual Basic or any other development environment. If you are an end-user just looking to understand some of the advance Modifier principles, tag along and why not, try it for yourself.

The project

I love the newsgroups because they address real-life situations faced by real-life individuals. In this post, the developer wants to add a VBA customization to the Equipment Maintenance window in the Field Service module, which requires opening the Customer Lookup window, a part of the Smartlist dictionary. The goal is to return the Customer Number from the lookup window to a custom field added to the Equipment Maintenance window. This custom field is used to track a regulatory entity setup as a customer. The customization will need to store the regulatory entity associated to the equipment.

Workshop Agenda

Hope to see the hit counters climb this week so pass the word along and let your friends and coworkers know about this workshop.

NOTE: All links will become available at 8:00 AM EST (GMT -5:00) on the date the article is schedule to post.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Maximum Global Business, LLC


Anonymous said…
Mariano! I am the one who posted the issue and today is what I really need ... had already figured out what was posted Monday and Wednesday :) Where is the final class for today? I await eagerly.

This is a great idea for those learning VBA. We try to stick with VBA (will convert to dot net eventually) because Dexterity can be dangerous to business logic and VBA programmers are more plentiful.

You'll be at Convergence?
Mariano Gomez said…

Thanks for the input! Believe me, I would have loved to get day 3 out today, but my son was sick all day yesterday and I had to pick up the slack for my wife.

Promise the content will be out tomorrow.

I am not sure about Convergence yet as I am in the middle of an EDI roll-out with a client, but you never know when I can show up around the corner.

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Maximum Global Business, LLC

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