GPUG Summit 2014 St. Louis - Academy Training

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

After a successful Partner Connections event, Tuesday brought and "All you can digest" Academy Training day, with 100s of sessions across all products. Unlike at the Tampa Summit, this year I did not participate as a trainer and rather decided to spend most of the morning catching up on work and prepping for my first session on Wednesday.

In the afternoon, I attended a presenters prep round up meeting at 4:00 PM local time, carried out at the Mekorma Hub. GPUG Director, Kim Peterson welcomed all new presenters and provided last minute instructions to the group.

Presenters Prep Round Up meeting with Kim Peterson

After the meeting, it was time to visit the Expo which would be opening its doors for the first time. I have to say, I was pretty impressed by the final product, since just a day before, the place was still being, literally, put together. It's amazing that 100s of ISVs and sponsors were present, displaying their products and welcoming all attendees.

Dynamic Communities team welcoming everyone at the Expo

The food was great and nothing better than free booze to go along. After navigating the isles and saying hi to a number of ISVs, it was time for me to head back to my hotel. After all, I had a couple of support tickets to take care of and needed to fine tune my presentations for the days to come.

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial

On the way back to the Hilton at The Ballpark, I managed to snap this cool picture of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial building, a part of the National Park Service.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Intelligent Partnerships, LLC


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