
Showing posts from 2011

Merry Christmas from The Dynamics GP Blogster and Family

Couple days ago, I blogged about some of the top articles I wrote this past year. Today, I am in Discovery Bay (an hour away from crowded Montego Bay), Jamaica enjoying the holiday season with family and friends and looking forward to get some rest. Discovery Bay, Jamaica Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid-al-Adha, Kuanza, etc., you know how important it is to be with love ones around this time of the year. So, on behalf of my family and I, we wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you had a great 2011 too. I now leave you with this great song from Michael Buble, from his new album, Christmas. Enjoy! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

The Dynamics GP Blogster's best articles of 2011

It's simply amazing! When it's all said and done, I will have published close to 160 articles for this year alone. Sometimes I find myself asking, "what will I write about next?". The truth is, I simply don't know or can't tell: I enjoy writing about issues I work on, challenges in my implementations, conferences I attend, etc. And the outlets to get my thoughts out just keep increasing. I am actively for: This site Microsoft Dynamics Community I also have Facebook and Twitter accounts to keep up with. So, when I look back at 2011 to choose the best articles of this year, I must consider the various outlets where they are published. After all, The Dynamics GP Blogster is no longer a site, but a person... me! With that said, these are some of the best articles I personally enjoyed writing this year: 1. The Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Conference 2011 - The Technical Conference was a great experience up in Fargo, ND. I definitel...

Microsoft Dynamics GP displaying overlapping text on home page

Scouting the Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner Online Technical Forum , I came across this interesting case, in which a partner reported seeing overlapping options text on the home page and missing picture bars. The problem, as reported by the partner, was only happening with a user on a specific workstation, but not with his domain account and Microsoft Dynamics GP user. Home page with overlapping text and missing pictures Initially, the partner attempted to reduce Internet Explorer's Internet zone's security to the bare minimum, which would allow all home page scripts to be executed, with no results. Still puzzled, they began running a ProcMon trace on Microsoft Dynamics GP to look for ACCESS DENIED events, as instructed by Microsoft's Partner Online Technical Community support engineer, Jason Larson . The partner recorded all trace results, but SUCCESS, and found the following being displayed several times in the log: FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS FAST IO DISALLOW...

The Dynamics GP Blogster's YouTube Channel launches with Decisions Fall 2011

It was long overdue! However, I had to wait for the right time to do this and it finally came with Decisions Fall 2011 - Dynamics GP Day . Today, my presentation on 5 Support Debugging Tool features you should be using with Microsoft Dynamics GP , featured 5 clips that are now available on my new YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure. If you had wanted to learn about the basic features in Support Debugging Tool, now you can visit The Dynamics GP Blogster YouTube Channel to watch the videos. They are recorded in full HD, scalable from 360p to 1080p - the audio quality is close to CD quality. Keep checking the Channel, since I will be posting more videos around some of the cool Microsoft Dynamics GP technologies. You can find a link to The Dynamics GP Blogster YouTube Channel on the left frame of this blog. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

Granting Access and Binding Defaults when recreating SQL Tables: a follow up

In his most recent article, Granting Access and Binding Defaults when recreating SQL Tables , my good friend, David Musgrave, points out how to drop and re-create a Microsoft Dynamics GP object with the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) database object scripting capabilities. His article overall addresses issues with objects not being properly upgraded from previous releases of Microsoft Dynamics GP to the version you are trying to upgrade to, and how to deal with these issue, so please read the articles as they contain valuable upgrade tips. However, in his article, David points out that SSMS does not generate the object permissions and bindings necessary, hence the reason for the script he created and attached to his article. The bottom line is, these are configurable settings under SSMS's SQL Server Object Explorer options. To activate scripting of permissions and bindings in SSMS, follow these steps: 1. Open SSMS and go to the Tools | Options menu. This will open the Op...

Terminal Server: Dynamics.exe encountered a problem and needed to close

Just recently I assisted a partner with an issue they were having on a Terminal Server environment, after upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010. Upon launching Microsoft Dynamics GP, an end-user was receiving the error shown below: Dynamics.exe Error Clicking on the hyperlink for the error detail showed the following: Error Signature I have faced a number of issues of this type in the past and typically they are all narrowed down to corrupt forms and/or reports dictionaries - both Dynamics and third-parties. However, this seemed different, since other Terminal Server users were not experiencing the same issue. The Event Viewer, however, showed a bit more details about the issue: Event Viewer The Event Viewer information was in effect confirming that the faulting application was indeed the Runtime Engine, Dynamics.exe. However, interestingly enough, it was showing that the faulting module was the msvcr90.dll . In doing some search, I...

Resetting GP desktop position and size with the Support Debugging Tool

Just recently I worked on an issue being experienced by several Microsoft Dynamics GP users in a Citrix environment. The users would report that, when double-clicking on the Microsoft Dynamics GP application launch icon, the program would "automatically minimize". In doing some digging, I remembered a few Dex.ini settings that control whether the Microsoft Dynamics GP desktop shows maximized upon start up and the position at which the desktop appears. So, I took my good ol' friend Notepad and edited the DEX.INI to find the following: [General] . . WindowMax=FALSE . WindowPosX=1605 WindowPosY=902 WindowWidth=1200 WindowHeight=625 Sample DEX.INI entries As you can imagine, this problem can be easily replicated if you have a dual monitor and move the GP desktop off to a second monitor or by reducing the desktop size and moving the window off screen. The fix is also pretty simple indeed. Reset the WindowMax key value to TRUE and bring the WindowPosX and W...

5 Support Debugging Tool features you should be using today: Decisions Fall 2011

The Decisions Fall 2011 virtual conference is around the corner, with Dynamics GP Day scheduled for Tuesday, December 6 2011 . Please register to participate in the conference. This is a unique, virtual conference experience. No, it's not a boring webinar and surely not the kind of place where you will be ran over by tons of people walking up in hallways and down escalators trying to get to a session room. You can do this from the comfort of your office, sofa, or even your tricked out basement office. There's no excuse - that I can think of anyways - for not participating. This time around, I will be presenting a topic around - what else! - the Support Debugging Tool: "5 Support Debugging Tool features you should be using today with Microsoft Dynamics GP" . What can I say, I love long session titles. This session is strictly an end-user oriented presentation whose sole objective is to demistify the complexities of the Standard Mode options in the Support Debuggin...

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - Wrap Up

Over the past few days I have presented some of the product enhancements being considered and developed for codename GP "12". Those enhancements are based on 4 core pillars: Simplicity , Productivity , Product Depth , and Innovation . As we approach the Microsoft Convergence 2012 event, I am sure more of these will be revealed. As is customary, you can find links to all previously published articles: Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - 1 of 4 Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - 2 of 4 Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - 3 of 4 Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - 4 of 4 I encourage you to continue following the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog by the Microsoft Dynamics GP Product Management Team. They are the premier (and official) source for information on all things codename GP "12" and if you have been to the site, you will know that closer to the product release...

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - 4 of 4

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features - Part 4  This is article is part 4 of 4 from the series Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features . Some images and content reproduced with express permission from Microsoft Business Solutions, a division of Microsoft Corporation. DISCLAIMER: These features are subject to change. In part 3 of the series , we discussed the different enhancements geared towards building up the Microsoft Dynamics GP product depth: enhancements to the GL year-end process, ability to generate Fixed Assets historical reports, and tolerance handling in the purchasing receipt process, are just among the few that stand out. Of course, the Innovation pillar is mostly dominated by the release of the Web Client, but I will have to add some of the other features that got cataloged in the Product Depth pillar as true product innovations, even though the technologies supporting these innovations has been around for quite sometime. Product Depth? Mor...

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - 3 of 4

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features - Part 3  This is article is part 3 of 4 from the series Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features . Some images and content reproduced with express permission from Microsoft Business Solutions, a division of Microsoft Corporation. DISCLAIMER: These features are subject to change. If you were taken by the Simplicity and  Productivity features , then you will be more impressed with the this new list of features aimed at enhancing the Microsoft Dynamics GP product depth. Product Depth features Receivables Management Enhancements As of the current release, it has always been necessary to enter and apply multicurrency cash receipts as a two-step process. MC Apply in Cash Receipts will now allow you to take a cash receipt entered in originating currency and apply it against an invoice all in the same transaction entry process. Payables Management Void of Check Return Applied Credits (return/credit memo) to reusable...

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - 2 of 4

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features - Part 2  This is article is part 2 of 4 from the series Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features . Some images and content reproduced with express permission from Microsoft Business Solutions, a division of Microsoft Corporation. DISCLAIMER: These features are subject to change. Yesterday, in Part 1 of the Series  we saw some of the new features in the Simplicity pillar: Select printer at Print Time, improvements in the Fixed Assets calendar setup process, reprinting of check remittances, and the ability to print SSRS reports directly from within Microsoft Dynamics GP, in what seems to be a race to replace Report Writer reports. Today, we will take a look at some of the features in the Productivity pillar, whose aim is to "enhance productivity from application configuration to frequently performed tasks" . Productivity Features System Enhancements Among the features being worked, the Named System Datab...

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features Series - 1 of 4

Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features - Part 1  This is article is part 1 of 4 from the series Codename GP "12" Preliminary Features . Some images and content reproduced with express permission from Microsoft Business Solutions, a division of Microsoft Corporation. DISCLAIMER: These features are subject to change. I am only repeating what I have heard so please don't shoot the messenger. With GP "12" to be released "sometimes next year" - and yes, December 31, 2012 is still within that time frame - there may still be features on the following list that may not make the cut. However, it was fairly clear that the boys and girls on the Microsoft Dynamics GP development team in Fargo are working their rears off to get the feature list to a state where they feel pretty comfortable, meeting the demands on the shopping list. Straight out of GPUG Summit's closing session, comes some of the top features being worked on, based on the tra...

Microsoft Dynamics GP Roadmap Update - Welcome codename GP "15"

Exciting times to be in the Microsoft Dynamics GP world! Web Client on the horizon, cloud computing in the not so distant future, tons of enhancements in codename GP "12". Now that I come to think about it, kind of make GP 2010 sound a bit obsolete, but wait? GP 2010 just got a refresh a few months ago. Oh, well! If you keep up with my blog, you probably have seen my previous articles on the GP roadmap. For your benefit however, here are the links: The Evolution of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Roadmap Microsoft Dynamics GP Roadmap Update Microsoft Dynamics GP roadmap Now, I unveil for you the new roadmap which includes codename GP "15" Roadmap as of November 2011 (GPUG Summit) This roadmap update was unveiled at the GPUG Summit 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Note that codename GP "15" includes a Rapid Time-to-Value focus for the middle market, which probably means you will see some improvements in the implementation and deployment cycles of the...

Navigation List Builder not redeploying changes to a previously saved list

During the Drill-Down Builder and Navigation List Builder training session (for class materials, click here ) I held at GPUG Academy Training Day 1 in Las Vegas, prior to the GPUG Summit, I found that Navigation List Builder had an issue redeploying changes done to a previously created and saved navigation list. In reality, this issue came up days before when I was preparing the class, but I really did not give it much thought and attributed the problem to an 'environmental' issue on my machine. The Microsoft Dynamics GP version is 2010 R2 (11.00.1752). One of my students saved his navigation list to the wrong series and deployed the list. All things worked, except the navigation list was showing up under the Financial bar, instead of the Sales bar where it should have been saved to initially. Navigation List Builder - list saved to the wrong series Upon realizing the miscategorization of the list, the student returned to Navigation List Builder to make the proper adj...

GPUG Summit 2011 Las Vegas: Materials now available

If you attended any of my training classes or sessions, you will be glad to know that the training and presentation materials are now available from the Learning Resources page on this site. Please feel free to download. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

GPUG Summit 2011 Las Vegas: Wrap Up

This was my first GPUG Summit (and my first GPPC as well) and I have to say I was utterly surprised by the level of organization, the training topics, the quality of the sessions (over 140!), and the spirit of the attendees. Frankly, except for the share number of people who attend Convergence , this event felt like any top class conference I have had the opportunity to participate in. As is customary, this post will provide a summary of (most) links where you can find information on GPUG Summit 2011 Las Vegas, just in case you were not able to attend the event or missed any of the previous posts. So let's get started: The Dynamics GP Blogster GPUG Summit 2011: Getting there GPUG Summit: Academy Training Day 1 GPUG Summit: Academy Training Day 2 GPUG Summit: Day 1 GPUG Summit: Day 2 GPUG Summit: Day 3 The DynamicsGP Blogster on Facebook The Dynamics GP Blogster The Dynamics GP Blogster on Twitter @dgpblogster #GPSUMMIT #GPUG DynamicAccounting (Mark Polino...

GPUG Summit: Day 3

Day 3 marks the end of the GPUG Summit 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The day started with an early 8:00 AM session, IT15: Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP Like a Pro with the Support Debugging Tool . The presentation was pre-recorded by David Musgrave with MVP Mark Polino and I in the room as facilitators and co-presenters. We had a chance to patch in David to say hi to the attendees. After the intro, we checked out David and began playing the video for the attendees. Unfortunately, due to the poor audio quality, and after 4 walk outs, we were forced to stop the recording. Mark and I then decided to present the session live and were able to show some of the key features of the Support Debugging Tool. However, time was very short due to the fact the we needed to make up ground for the bad audio. NOTE : Let this be a note of apology to everyone who attended our session. While we made all efforts to test the audio before hand and our judgement deemed it legible at first, clearly the...

GPUG Summit: Day 2

Day 2 marks the day I get back on stage. The morning started out very slowly, with most of the time spent at the Mekorma Connections Cafe, catching up on emails and projects I am currently working on back in Atlanta. On the way to the Cafe,  I couldn't help but realize how there was no one around. That's good, because it seems GPUG Summit 2011 (twitter: #gpsummit , #GPUG ) attendees are definitely getting the best out of the conference and maximizing their time. Also, it would suggest that a number of partners have already left town from the now defunct GP Partner Conference (twitter: #GPCC ) event which wrapped up day before yesterday. Upon arrival at the Cafe, there was a second round of book signing with our community authors - see GPUG Summit: Day 1 for a picture of the authors. Fellow MVP Mark Polino was as usual taking care of business and had some folks approaching him for his signature. ļ»æ MVP and Author Mark Polino Following the book signing, my wife and I...

GPUG Summit: Day 1

The GPUG Summit 2011  (twitter: #gpsummit ) officially starts today! The morning started with the traditional pastry and coffee breakfast - ok, there were also a variety of juices to go along. I managed to sit at a round table with a few Microsoft Escalation Support folks and fellow MVPs Frank Hamelly and Mark Polino. MVPs @ Work : left, MVP Frank Hamelly; right, MVP Mark Polino Minutes later, Kim Peterson, GPUG Director kicked off the GPUG Summit 2011 (twitter: #gpsummit ) with some overall statistics on attendance and industries. Suffice to say, the numbers are pretty impressive: 500 attendees from over 14 lines of industries, heavily represented by middle market organizations (11 - 49 users). ļ»æļ»æļ»æ Kim Peterson on stage, recognizing the GPUG Board members ļ»æļ»æļ»æ GPUG sponsors were also recognized with folks from MetaViewer and Rockton Software  taking the stage to talk about their products. This is when all hell broke loos...