First edition of IMHO is up over at Community 2.0

I have been fortunate enough to be invited as a guest columnist on the new Microsoft Dynamics Community 2.0 site, also taking center spot on the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page. You will now be able to enjoy the new "In My Humble Opinion with The Dynamics GP Blogster Column", simply IMHO. My new column will be focused on telling it as it is -- or as I see it. Uncensored!

Microsoft Dynamics GP Home Page - IMHO

Hopefully, you will enjoy the very nature of this new column and if you have any complaints or you feel there's anything I should be covering, I welcome the comments. After all, I want to be your voice for the things that are and are not right with either the product, or the channel.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Maximum Global Business, LLC


Frank Hamelly said…
Congratulations amigo! Well deserved!

Perro conservador
Mariano Gomez said…
Thanks my "perro conservador" friend! See you soon man!

Mariano Gomez, MVP

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