Suppressing "Credit Limit" Warning in Sales Order Processing

To resolve this issue, I created a small VBA script that would automatically respond to the modal dialog without the user even noticing a blink on the screen, as follows:
1) Add the Sales Transaction Entry window to Visual Basic.
2) Open the Visual Basic Editor and locate the SalesTransactionEntry (Window) object. Double-click on it to bring up the editor.
3) Copy/paste the following script to the editor
Private Sub Window_BeforeModalDialog(ByVal DlgType As DialogType, PromptString As String, Control1String As String, Control2String As String, Control3String As String, Answer As DialogCtrl)
If PromptString = "This transaction exceeds the customer's credit limit. Do you want to continue?" Then
'Click the first button, the Continue button
Answer = dcButton1
End If
End Sub
Until next post!
Mariano Gomez, MIS, MVP, MCP, PMP
Maximum Global Business, LLC
Not sure what you mean by "pending PO is active". However, have a look at Business Alerts. This should help you with what you are trying to achieve.