Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 1 Continued

Day 1 - Afternoon

After the Keynote and General Session, it was time for lunch and trying to catch up with friends. It never ceases to amaze me the logistics required to sit and feed 12,000 people at any giving time. Just making sure everyone has a place to sit or even the kind of food they like is got to be an incredible task.

Crowd heading for lunch at the Meal Hall

After getting my food, I went to sit at the table with some very distinguished folks in the community - in the meantime, David was off trying to get something that won't upset his tummy. As you may or may not know, my good friend troubles with MSG intolerance (and associated flavor enhancing glutamates), which makes his daily food intake an exercise in patience and careful negotiation with restaurant staff and chefs.

From left to right: Beat Bucher (Forensic Technology), Kim Peterson (GPUG), Mark Huff 

From left to right: ?, Frank Heslin, and MVP Belinda Allen
After lunch, it was time to go visit some of my ISV friends. I had really been looking forward to get out to the Expo and pass by some of the booths to talk to some of the folks I normally run into at these events. Their work also serves to improve the lives of the Microsoft Dynamics GP community of users at large.

Rockton Software (Caption: Can't you count? I only have 2, Beat!)

Ethotech: Stephanie Rasmussen, John Stulak, Kevin Rasmussen

FieldOne Systems (CRM Global ISV)
After walking around the Expo, it was time to go and work on last minute refinements for my upcoming CS15G002-R1: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015: Upgrading and Deploying session. I had the 5:00 PM slot, so I knew by that time I would get a weary crowd.

Tim, Therese Jardine, and Ace Martin
All presenters are usually working on last minute deck improvements and catching up on emails before their sessions. Not to mention, the room is well equipped with coffee, snacks, and lunch for those choosing to avoid the crowd in the Meal Hall.

The Presenters' Room
It was time to go and locate room A305. I arrived about 30 minutes before to do the customary tech check. As the crowd began to arrive, I figured I would begin asking random questions and entertain the group a bit before the 5:00 PM kickoff. I also managed to capture this picture (on David's camera).

CS15G002-R1 Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015: Upgrading and deploying
My session had over 201 attendees and received the highest mark for any Dynamics GP session presented. The session also came in at 29 among the 265 delivered throughout Convergence.  Once the session was over, it was back to the Expo for a quick bite to eat and a drink while walking around saying hi to all friends.

Back at the Expo
 David and I decided to stop at the Microsoft Dynamics GP booth to say hi to our Microsoft friends.

Brian Roney, David Musgrave, and Alice Newsam
It was time to put this day away and get ready for another which would bring the Rock & Rave event and David and I delivering the first of our two sessions together.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Intelligent Partnerships, LLC


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