
Showing posts from March, 2015

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 2

Wow, Day 1 sure proved to be very exciting with all the big keynotes, general sessions , and presentations , not to mention the whole Expo reception. It also seemed like the night went by flying and sleeping was overrated. To add to the mix, Atlanta's Tuesday morning traffic came back with a vengeance and did not really allow David and I to make it down on time for some early sessions we had planned to attend, oh well! As a result, we ended up going to the Speakers' Room to finalize our last bits of demo code for our upcoming session, only to discover we were not using "best practices" as noted by our Microsoft friend Rob Bernhardt . Since we are very keen to deliver best practices in our Service Based Architecture code (more on this on a separate post). This put us in a tailspin, so we went looking for Kevin Racer to offer some advise. We finally got what we were looking for, just 10 minutes before our session. Off we went to look for our dual A313/314 room ...

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 1 Continued

Day 1 - Afternoon After the Keynote and General Session , it was time for lunch and trying to catch up with friends. It never ceases to amaze me the logistics required to sit and feed 12,000 people at any giving time. Just making sure everyone has a place to sit or even the kind of food they like is got to be an incredible task. Crowd heading for lunch at the Meal Hall After getting my food, I went to sit at the table with some very distinguished folks in the community - in the meantime, David was off trying to get something that won't upset his tummy. As you may or may not know, my good friend troubles with MSG intolerance (and associated flavor enhancing glutamates), which makes his daily food intake an exercise in patience and careful negotiation with restaurant staff and chefs. From left to right: Beat Bucher (Forensic Technology), Kim Peterson (GPUG), Mark Huff  From left to right: ?, Frank Heslin, and MVP Belinda Allen After lunch, it was time to go v...

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 1

Keynote and General Session I know, it's been over a week since Microsoft Convergence 2015 closed its doors, however, I did not want the time to go by without reliving some of the things I personally experienced throughout the event. With early mornings and late evenings it became impossible to write blog posts as things were happening, considering my own involvement with quite a few of the activities and presentations at Convergence. Day 1 started out with David and I rushing through Atlanta's traffic to get to the Georgia World Congress Center. From there we would head over to the Phillips Arena for the Opening Keynote Speech. We got there at the tail end of the presentation of Dance 411 . The Dance 411 Foundation ā€™s mission is to foster the well-being of urban youth and young adults through self-expression. They provide a quality education and exposure to the discipline of dance, drama and music. Judson Althoff , President Microsoft North America was in the middle o...

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015: GPPC PreGame

Hi everyone and welcome to Microsoft Convergence 2015 from the beautiful city of Atlanta, Georgia, my hometown. I really like that Convergence has called Atlanta home 4 out of the past 5 years - it also makes it pretty convenient for me to attend while sleeping in the best hotel in town: my home! Microsoft Convergence 2015 welcome banner at Georgia Wold Congress Center After not much convincing, David accepted my invitation to stay to be a guest for the duration of Convergence. As such, my jobs is to also make sure we get to and from the convention center on time for the numerous commitments we have this week. On of those commitments involves attending the PreGame 2015 event hosted by Dynamic Partner Connections , held at the Westin Peachtree Plaza hotel. If you are familiar with this Downtown Atlanta landmark, you will remember it was severely damaged during the 2008 Atlanta tornado outbreak  and having to replace over 5600 windows during the renovation process. ...

You receive "Unable to Upgrade SBA from RTM" when attempting to apply Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 January or March Hotfix

Well, this one for sure has bitten more than one person already. I've seen a lot of exchanges and fielded a number of calls from folks trying to install the January or March hot fixes of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. When the msp file is executed, couple seconds into the execution you receive the following error message: " Unable to upgrade SBA from RTM. Please remove the SBA feature before running this patch. " The first reaction is to try and find the feature via the Uninstall or change a program  options under the Windows Control Panel. As it turns out, there's no such option. This has led many folks to the next "obvious" option: Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Components . When you choose to uninstall the Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Components, you will get rid of the Web Client install, but not the SBA components. So what's the solution? The keyword in the error message is the word "feature". SBA is a Microsoft Dynamics GP feature. In o...

You receive "You are not allowed to use Microsoft Dynamics GP. Please sign out and sign in with an authorized account" when accessing Web Client with Directory Account

One of the cool things about Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 is the new Web Client Identity Management feature. Having the ability to access Microsoft Dynamics GP with your Windows Directory or Windows Azure credentials without ever needing a SQL login account is just beautiful. The Theory - Part 1: GP Utilities The theory is fairly simple: you have a Microsoft Dynamics GP user account, which in turn is tied to a Windows Active Directory account or Windows Azure Active Directory account. User accounts are stored in the User Master table (dbo.SY01400) in the system database, which has been beefed up with a new column called Active Directory Object GUID (ADObjectGuid) to store the actual GUID of the directory or organizational account mapped to the GP user. User Setup window However, because Microsoft Dynamics GP continues to be dependent on SQL authentication for all intends and purposes, it continues to need a SQL login to be able to access the Dynamics GP database objects. This i...