
Showing posts from 2015

Excel Copy/Paste feature not working on General Entry modified window

If you have grown used to the relatively new Excel Copy/Paste feature in the General Ledger Transaction Entry, you are probably enjoying the benefits of collecting journalized spreadsheets from around the company and simply integrating these into Microsoft Dynamics GP without too much effort. Excel Copy/Paste in GL Transaction Entry window The fact is, not having to run an integration from another tool for something apparently very simple, always seems to be the way to go. Recently, however, I ran into a situation where this window had been customized with Modifier (but the same can be said for a third party alternate version of window) by a customer. The customer reorganized a few fields within the window and added a couple others with Modifier to address some specific business needs. As it turned out, the Excel Copy/Paste functionality no longer worked, even though the target fields remained the same. Reverting security to the original window rendered the feature usable once...

Microsoft Windows 10 Devices Briefing

Today, Microsoft continue to show why it is at the forefront of the computing and technology world. A company that was once joined by the hip to the personal computer (PC) is now able to move with the times with a vision centered on mobile computing - to think, a few years ago the company was scrambling to catch up with Apple and Google. Just 10 weeks ago, Microsoft begun rolling out Windows 10 and now boasts 110 million users and 8 million business PCs. Once more, Microsoft surprises the computing world with a host of new computing devices designed specifically for Windows 10. Windows 10 Devices Briefing Microsoft Devices: Do Great Things . The New Microsoft Band The New Microsoft Band: Live Healthier and Achieve More The New Microsoft Surface Book The New Microsoft Surface Pro 4 The New Microsoft Lumia 950 and 950 XL Tell you the truth, I moved from a Windows phone ( Samsung ATIV S Neo ) on the Sprint network to a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge ...

Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Client no longer working on Google Chrome 45

If you had gotten used to running the Microsoft Dynamics GP web client on Google Chrome, chances are you have just woken up to the constant requests for installing the Silverlight plugin. You may have attempted the installation a few times by now, only to notice that you are still being requested to install Silverlight. Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Client on Chrome 45  Google Chrome users who normally relied on functionality that NPAPI plugins provided won't be able to make use of them anymore with the release of Chrome 45. NPAPI-only plugins such as Java or Silverlight are used throughout the web and while their use is declining, there are numerous applications and services that make use of either one or another plugin - for example, your beloved Microsoft Dynamics GP web client. This Chrome Extensions article  explains the security concerns behind the use of NPAPI-based plugins, mainly, the ability of said plugins to gain access to a user's local machines. Any security...

You receive "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" when running some reports in Management Reporter 2012 CU13

In my previous post, I talked about a cryptographic exception I encountered while upgrading Management Reporter 2012 from CU6 to CU9 (on the way to CU13), while attempting to setup the Data Mart database - see  You receive "Could'n retrieve the list of available databases: The connection attempt failed" error when updating Management Reporter 2012 . The solution turned out to be very simple, but in the scheme of things a bit time consuming to figure out. Once we had upgraded to CU9, it was time to attempt the upgrade to CU13. The upgrade process Upgrading to CU13 was pretty straight forward.  However, after the upgrade, the customer attempted to generate a couple of the many reports from Report Designer with the following error being displayed in Web Viewer: This report can't be displayed. Make sure that your computer has an internet connection and that Management Reporter is running. If this problem continues, contact your administrator. Management Reporter...

You receive "Could'n retrieve the list of available databases: The connection attempt failed" error when updating Management Reporter 2012

Hi everyone! I'm on the tail-end of upgrading a client to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 and came up on an interesting issue when attempting to update Management Reporter 2012 CU6 to CU9. Background In order to create my client's test environment for this upgrade, we cloned their production VMWare environment and went through all the usual server renames, static IP changes, SQL Server renaming, and so forth. For the Management Reporter 2012 database server, we followed the applicable entries outlined in How to move Microsoft Management Reporter 2012 to a new server  ( CustomerSource access required), and in particular we removed the Application and Process services then ran the T-SQL script to re-create the certificate and symmetric key. Once these portions of the configuration were in place, we proceeded to install Management Reporter 2012 CU9, first installing the Application and Process services - which also performed the overall ManagementReporter database update. ...

You experience slow performance exiting Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 on Windows 10

Today I ran across a very interesting partner forum post, in which the consultant described a slow performance issue when closing (exiting) Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015, which started happenning after his client upgraded their Windows workstations to the newly minted Windows 10  operating system. A Microsoft support engineer acknowledge that " there have been a few people experiencing this issue ". The recommendation to bypass the slow application closing is to change or add the following Dex.ini setting to see if it resolves the issue on exit. The setting changes a Microsoft Dynamics GP global variable and avoids the pause that seems to be occurring during the exiting process. OLEClose=FALSE This Dex.ini setting controls whether the Microsoft Dynamics GP application checks for the OLE Container application being opened at the time of shutdown -- a "shutdown" can occur if the user legitimately exits Dynamics GP or simply chooses to open either the Report Writer...

New #MSDYNGP Certification Process

Hi everyone! I know, it's been a while since you've heard from me, but my contributions to the Microsoft Dynamics GP community go beyond just blogging and attending events. I've been involved with the development of the next generation of Microsoft Dynamics GP exams and certification process, which is been quite a rewarding experience and certainly a time consuming one. I have always been a firm believer that certifications are an important part of a professional career development, whether you are a partners, a consultant, or a customer, hence, I've spent quite some time over the past few months working with the good folks of the Association of Dynamics Professionals  in a counseling capacity to bring new guidelines and a certification process that will be industry worthy. But as many of you already know, this is the kind of stuff I really enjoy, but we cannot do this by ourselves, so here is where you come in: I NEED YOUR HELP! The main goal is to build a set of e...

"A SQL Server login already exists for . Delete the user and create a new user" error when switching a user ID from web client only to mixed mode access

I'm completing the deployment of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2's Project Accounting and Time Entry approval workflow for a customer in Alabama who is currently deploying web client for extranet access (and timesheet entry) and desktop client for intranet access. As a result, since time entry employees are remote, we decided to setup these user accounts as web client only. However, the customer wanted to provide an alternative to the web client in case it became unavailable. This meant that these users would needed the ability to access the Microsoft Dynamics GP desktop client via a Terminal Server provisioned (albeit temporarily) to support this goal. The Problem To meet this requirement, we needed to adjust the user accounts in Dynamics GP to also support SQL Server authentication (in addition to web client access), by deselecting the Web Client user only  check mark and completing the SQL Login credentials information. Upon attempting to save the changes we received the...

DBMS: 12 Microsoft Dynamics GP: 0 error when updating to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2

Hello all! It's been quite a while since I've actually written anything of remote interest to anyone who follows my blog, but at the same time, you will be pleased to know that I've been quite busy in the consulting front, with upgrades, server migrations, complex multi-instance postings involving 10's of thousands of transactions, wrapping up some Field Service Automation projects, and the list goes on and on. This time around I want to bring to the forefront, an issue I encountered updating  from Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 SP2 to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 plus the latest service pack. Background My client requested a server migration to a new environment where they wanted to deploy Dynamics GP 2013 R2 web client (plus the latest service pack) and upgrade their relational database management system to Microsoft SQL Server 2014. This is something I'm absolutely comfortable with (for the most part) given also that my client was sitting at Microsoft Dynamics...

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Wrap Up

Hey, not that this concerns anyone, but finally here is the wrap up post for the Convergence 2015 event. It's really been a busy couple of seasons for this writer (not that I'm complaining!), so I have had to opt for work instead of blogging which I'm sure you will understand as a reader. Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015: GPPC PreGame Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 1 Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 1 Continued Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 2 Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 3 Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 4 Other entries on the event, from my good friend David Musgrave : #CONV15 ā€“ Convergence 2015 Atlanta ā€“ Day 0 ā€“ PreGame #CONV15 ā€“ Convergence 2015 Atlanta ā€“ Day 1 ā€“ Opening Keynote #CONV15 ā€“ Convergence 2015 Atlanta ā€“ Day 1 ā€“ Dynamics GP Session #CONV15 ā€“ Convergence 2015 Atlanta ā€“ Day 1 ā€“ Continued #CONV15 ā€“ Convergenc...

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 4

Phew! How about that OneRepublic concert ? Day 4 is finally here and with it, all good things must come to an end. For a change, today David and I managed to make it down to the GWCC on time and had a fairly relaxed breakfast at the Meal Hall to then move over to the Phillips Arena for one very interesting closing keynote. As customary, an energetic Judson Althoff , President Microsoft North America welcomed the crowd to the event and proceeded to recap the week and what will be seen from Microsoft in the coming months. Judson Althoff, President Microsoft North America The first thing in his opening was to remind the audience how Convergence is becoming the premier event for business and that Microsoft, at its core, is " the productivity and platform company for the mobile first, cloud first world " and how the company is thinking about innovation and technology. Althoff then introduced the upcoming events, Microsoft Ignite  which is geared to showcase innovat...

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 3

Ok, I'm officially tired! Day 2 did not leave much room to sleep with a presentation, expo, dinner, and Rock-n-Rave (even though I did not stay long). However, today I had to gut it out for our repeat session, CS15G024-R2 Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015: Customizing the user interface , which was scheduled for 11:00 AM. CS15G024-R2 Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015: Customizing the user interface Mariano Gomez and David Musgrave We had 64 people in our session and really had an enthusiastic crowd despite the Rock-n-Rave precedent. The session went on as planned and we feel we had a bit more organization in our delivery. Once our session finished, I ran off to Kevin and Dan's session,  CS15G014 - Leveraging Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015: Service Based Architecture for better integrations . Kevin Racer and Dan Lothspeich This session was truly informative as Kevin and Dan walked through the evolution of the work environment and how it has been impacted by the ever increasin...

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 2

Wow, Day 1 sure proved to be very exciting with all the big keynotes, general sessions , and presentations , not to mention the whole Expo reception. It also seemed like the night went by flying and sleeping was overrated. To add to the mix, Atlanta's Tuesday morning traffic came back with a vengeance and did not really allow David and I to make it down on time for some early sessions we had planned to attend, oh well! As a result, we ended up going to the Speakers' Room to finalize our last bits of demo code for our upcoming session, only to discover we were not using "best practices" as noted by our Microsoft friend Rob Bernhardt . Since we are very keen to deliver best practices in our Service Based Architecture code (more on this on a separate post). This put us in a tailspin, so we went looking for Kevin Racer to offer some advise. We finally got what we were looking for, just 10 minutes before our session. Off we went to look for our dual A313/314 room ...

Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 1 Continued

Day 1 - Afternoon After the Keynote and General Session , it was time for lunch and trying to catch up with friends. It never ceases to amaze me the logistics required to sit and feed 12,000 people at any giving time. Just making sure everyone has a place to sit or even the kind of food they like is got to be an incredible task. Crowd heading for lunch at the Meal Hall After getting my food, I went to sit at the table with some very distinguished folks in the community - in the meantime, David was off trying to get something that won't upset his tummy. As you may or may not know, my good friend troubles with MSG intolerance (and associated flavor enhancing glutamates), which makes his daily food intake an exercise in patience and careful negotiation with restaurant staff and chefs. From left to right: Beat Bucher (Forensic Technology), Kim Peterson (GPUG), Mark Huff  From left to right: ?, Frank Heslin, and MVP Belinda Allen After lunch, it was time to go v...