Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Implementation book review

Just around the last week of Christmas I got myself a brand new copy of my friend, Victoria Yudin's Microsoft Dynamics GP Implementation book. No, I did not get a free copy and actually refused one in support of my fellow MVP's work. I spent the last few weeks reading through each chapter -- I still use a highlighter -- and thought I would provide some insight on the content and the author.

On the Content

As a seasoned implementation veteran, I have to admit there are many elements of this book that appeared pretty straight forward, but relevant if you are a new comer to the Microsoft Dynamics GP world. Victoria does a good job of walking the reader through the importance of project management, assembling a good team, executing the implementation, and delivering post implementation support as an integral part of the project. I have say, that I have gone through the PMP certification and indoctrinated myself with the Sure Step methodology and, unless you do project management for a living, this book rounds out very well all the considerations needed to deliver a solid project.

Now, if you are a hands-on person on the project, Victoria also makes sure you have some insight into the system requirements, infrastructure, installing SQL Server, and setting up the system.

I would have liked to see more of the "in the trenches" experiences that Victoria has been through in the book, but I can see how the book would have quickly become anecdotal and perhaps hard to follow given the topic, since all implementations are different in nature. Nonetheless, items such as, the importance of the collaboration and interaction between the configuration team and the customer's IT team seem not have made it to the book. Also, some of the systems configuration requirements seem to have come from the standard Microsoft recommendations and don't necessarily reflect the complexities of some environments and other considerations needed in such environments. Now, on the good side, at least the standard system recommendations are in the book since I have seen many installation teams that have not a clue these requirements even exist.

If you are a seasoned Microsoft Dynamics GP professional, there are still a few things you can learn - for example, are you still insisting in parallel testing? Hear what Victoria has to say. If you are new comer to the Microsoft Dynamics GP implementation world and/or have delivered a couple implementations so far, then this book is for you.

If you are an individual or an organization evaluating Microsoft Dynamics GP and want to get a pretty good idea on the elements that go into making your implementation successful along with considerations on environment and team, this book is for you too! The books language is simple and easy to digest, yet solid in its delivery of each topic covered.

On the Author

Having known Victoria for the past 3 years or so, it is easy to see why she would have been inclined to write a Microsoft Dynamics GP implementation book. Victoria brings over 20 years of experience delivering high quality Microsoft Dynamics GP implementations and she has the distinguished honor of being a Microsoft Dynamics GP MVP for the past 8 years. If you are truly looking for a Microsoft Dynamics GP implementation book from a well rounded individual you can trust, this book is it! Keep in mind that outside Microsoft's manuals and material, there is little available on the subject at your local library.

Victoria has fielded and answered more than 5,000 questions from the community over the past 8 years, runs a blog that constantly keeps you updated on her reporting prowesses, and manages to still keep a cool head in tough situations. No easy job considering the nature of enterprise resource planning implementations.

Go and get your Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Implementation book now.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
IntellPartners, LLC


Bharti said…
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