
Showing posts from January, 2011

Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration

As I wrapped up fellow MVP Victoria Yudin 's book just a week aback and prepared to write a review , I was reminded of the importance of properly configuring your Microsoft Dynamics GP DSN connection -- the artifact that allows the client software to read and write data to your company databases and the system database -- something the Microsoft Dynamics GP installation gracefully setup automatically nowadays for you. So, if this is the case, why is it that so many people still have issues with DSN connections and the Microsoft Dynamics GP client not "seeing" the server, I wondered. So, I figured in this article, I would go back to basics to walk through some of the common issues and demistify the Microsoft SQL Server DSN configuration options that the setup gracefully takes care of. 1. First up, if you are on Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, you should be using the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client driver. At thi...

The always busy Mark Polino

Every once in a while, I run into someone who inevitably ask me " what do I need to do to become a Microsoft MVP? ". At some point in the past, I tried to answer this question with at least some of the things that I do in the community, just as an example of the numerous ways you can contribute. Frankly, there's no one way to become a Microsoft MVP and furthermore this is the best response I can give to this question: You have to be an MVP without the title, before even receiving the Award . So, what does this have to do with Mark Polino and why am I talking about MVPs you may be asking. Well, it turns out that Mark is probably one of the busiest MVPs I have ever known... the guy simply does not sleep! Even though, like me, he would argue that 4 hours constitute a good night rest. Today in particular, I wanted to highlight yet another contribution from Mark to the community - among all the others that you will see in the next few months. As it turned out, Mark had be...

Finding out the version of Office Web Components being used with your Microsoft Dynamics GP home page

Seriously, I wasn't planning on doing any more articles on the home page - at least not for now. But you have to admit this one is compelling. To find the version of the Microsoft Office Web Components running on your system, 1. Right-click on any metric graph currently being displayed on your home page. Office Web Components options Choose the About... option to continue. 2. You will now see the version number of the Office Web Components installed and being used with Microsoft Dynamics GP. Office Web Components version If you have any questions on a specific version, please see my article Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and Office Web Components  for more information. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

The Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Blog site

More on Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2011 Atlanta... if you are excited about the possibilities at Convergence and you are looking for some good information on what to do before, during, and after the conference, then the Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Blog is for you. Headed up by Microsoft's Alexa Hoekstra , the Convergence blog is a very good resource with helpful tips and articles, whether you are a battle-tested Convergence goer or a newbie to the event. Haven't registered yet? What are you waiting on? Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

Changing the metrics properties on the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 - Changing the metrics properties on the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page. In Part 1 of the series  I showed a couple cool things that can be accomplished on the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page with metrics and changing graph properties and so on. Today, I will explore two more features that I think will make you fall in love -- ok, let's not get carried away -- with the Microsoft Office Web Components , and in particular the Chart Control: the Toolbar and Command and Options selections. Toolbar The Toolbar option enables a graphical toolbar above the metrics being displayed. Office Web Components - Toolbar option Enabled Toolbar option Now, with the toolbar enabled, you have access to some of the elements discussed in the previous article and more. You can change the graph layout and some of the Data properties as shown in the previous article. Command and Options Of all the options presented, the Command and Options is one of my favorites as...

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Implementation book review

Just around the last week of Christmas I got myself a brand new copy of my friend, Victoria Yudin 's Microsoft Dynamics GP Implementation book. No, I did not get a free copy and actually refused one in support of my fellow MVP's work. I spent the last few weeks reading through each chapter -- I still use a highlighter -- and thought I would provide some insight on the content and the author. On the Content As a seasoned implementation veteran, I have to admit there are many elements of this book that appeared pretty straight forward, but relevant if you are a new comer to the Microsoft Dynamics GP world. Victoria does a good job of walking the reader through the importance of project management, assembling a good team, executing the implementation, and delivering post implementation support as an integral part of the project. I have say, that I have gone through the PMP certification and indoctrinated myself with the Sure Step methodology and, unless you do project managem...

Changing the metrics properties on the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 - Changing the metrics properties on the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page. In this series I wanted to surface a little known secret about the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP Home Page metrics: you can change the graph coding required! In fact, there are many graph properties that can be changed. Gross Profit for the Past 12 Months sample metric Microsoft Dynamics GP makes use of the Office Chart Control, a component of the Microsoft Office Web Components  to display the metrics that you have become accustomed to see on the home page -- see my article Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and Office Web Components  for more information on the different versions supported. When you right-click on the metric of your choice a menu becomes available that will allow you to choose from a number of options, as shown below. Today we will be looking at the Data properties. Data Command and Options window - Data Source tab The Data option pres...

Ingredients for a successful Convergence 2011 experience

"Convergence is more than just the sum of its keynotes and sessions" My new article is out over at MSDynamicsWorld  with some pointers for a successful Convergence here in Atlanta. Wheather you are a local or coming from another city or country there are a few things to take into account even before you arrive at Hartsfield-Jackson. You can read about these ingredients here . All comments welcome, so please let me know what you think. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP Maximum Global Business, LLC

Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Conference 2011 sessions now out!

Likewise, I wanted to bring attention to the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Conference 2011 sessions that David Musgrave and I will be co-presenting: Development Troubleshooting with the Support Debugging Tool Presenters: David Musgrave and Mariano Gomez, MVP Following the success of this session at Convergence Atlanta 2010, David Musgrave and Mariano Gomez return to the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Conference with a number of advanced features included in the now popular Support Debugging Tool. Learn how to debug and trace your customizations, build temporary fixes, and troubleshoot development issues and problems with dictionaries. Discover some of the tricks used by the Microsoft Developer Support team. Presenters will demonstrate real life scenarios and work through their resolutions. Topics: - Manual Logging Mode - Advanced Debugger Mode - Dictionary Control - Scripting and Triggers - SQL Execute and Runtime Execute features - Exporting and Importing fixes In...

Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2011 sessions are now out!

If you are attending Microsoft Dynamics Convergence this year, it's a good time to begin planning the sessions you want to attend. The session codes, titles, and speakers are now available for you. On that same note, David Musgrave and I are presenting the following sessions: CSGP14 Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP Like a Pro with the Support Debugging Tool Track: Microsoft Dynamics GP Speaker(s): David Musgrave, Mariano Gomez Audience: IT Professional, Technical Decision Maker Skill Level: 300 - Experienced Session Details Following the success of this session at Convergence Atlanta 2010, David Musgrave and Mariano Gomez return with a number of advanced features included in the now popular Support Debugging Tool. Learn how to maintain a clean DEX.INI in a Terminal Server environment, execute complex profiling of transactions and data, and resolve day to day security issues and problems with dictionaries. Discover tricks used by the Microsoft Support organizatio...

Changing and Copying a Home Page Role - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 - Changing and Copying a Home Page Role. In Part 1 of this series, I described how you could change a user's home page by reassigning him or her to a different role using the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP interface, but I also explained that my client wanted to be able to copy all the standard settings they had worked on over months to a staff member who was simply switching departments. I also mentioned the use of a script, and while there's one, I want to also clarify that the client was not interested in having SQL scripts ran in their environment, so I had to come up with an alternate solution. The answer was to install the Support Debugging Tool and use it's XML Import and Export tool. XML Table Export window We created a profile with for the tables containing the settings the customer wanted to replicate for their user, which we then exported into an XML file. Since all that was needed was to use one of the existing profiles for an Accounts ...

Changing and Copying a Home Page Role - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 - Changing and Copying a Home Page Role. I was working with a client a few days aback and they have been on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 for quite a few weeks now. One of their users was moved from the accounts payable department to the accounts receivable department. The IT staff wanted to change the configuration of her home page to look just like that of an existing user in this department, so of course, came the question... "How do we change her home page, and have her get the same links we have setup for all the other users in the group?" . Out of the box, Microsoft Dynamics GP allows you to change a user's role by clicking the Change Role ... button under the Customize Home Page window. Customize Home Page Once you click on the Change Role button, you will receive a warning on effecting the changes, since all customizations and previous layout changes would be lost in the process of changing the user's role. Change Role Warning Sinc...

IM - Integration Manager Series Summary

I know you are still unreeling from the New Year's celebrations and that you probably missed out on a couple of the articles I published in the past days. The following are the links to the articles: Troubleshooting RPC Errors when running Integration Manager Retrieving document numbers assigned by Microsoft Dynamics GP when field rule is set to Use Default in Integration Manager - Part 1 Retrieving document numbers assigned by Microsoft Dynamics GP when field rule is set to Use Default in Integration Manager - Part 2 I also wanted to take the opportunity to highlight Steve Endow's recent article on Integration Manager, over at Dynamics GP Land  which highlights an odd error a customer of his was getting on a workstation. Integration Manager 2010 Error: Could not load file or assembly Interop.MSScriptControl This completes a good roundup of the topics covered. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP Maximum Global Business, LLC http://www.maximumglobalbusiness...

GPUG to offer Payroll Tax Update seminar with Microsoft for US and Canadian partners and customers

Important 2011 US and Canadian Payroll Year-End and Tax Update with Microsoft (Jan 2011) Microsoft payroll tax update gurus will give an overview of 2011 U.S. and Canadian Payroll Year-end and Tax Update changes and how it impacts Microsoft Dynamics GP customers for Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, 10.0, 2010 and Microsoft Business Solutions Small Business Financials 9.0. This is a GPUG open event, all members are invited to attend. The recent legislative changes presents many modifications to U.S. Payroll in Microsoft Dynamics GP and Small Business Financials. This session will provide you with an overview of the updates in the product to comply with the recent legislative changes. Canadian Payroll also has several new regulatory changes as well which is new functionality for our customers that we will review. Microsoft has major payroll releases in the next weeks / month that will impact your payroll, attend this session to be educated on the latest changes so your busine...

IM - Retrieving document numbers assigned by Microsoft Dynamics GP when field rule is set to Use Default in Integration Manager - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 - Retrieving document numbers assigned by Microsoft Dynamics GP when field rule is set to Use Default in Integration Manager. In the previous installment , I explained the technique that I otherwise use to relate source systems records with imported records in Microsoft Dynamics GP for which a Use Default field rule has been set for the key field. This article demonstrates the key event scripts needed to obtain the record. Before Integration event script ' ' Created by Mariano Gomez, MVP ' This code is licensed under the Creative Commons ' Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic license. ' Secure a connection against the company database we will be running ' the integration against. Const adUseClient = 3 set oCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oCn.ConnectionString = "database=" & GPConnection.GPConnIntercompanyID oCn.CursorLocation = adUseClient GPConnection.Open(oCn) ' Make sure the connection is ...

IM - Retrieving document numbers assigned by Microsoft Dynamics GP when field rule is set to Use Default in Integration Manager - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 - Retrieving document numbers assigned by Microsoft Dynamics GP when field rule is set to Use Default in Integration Manager. One of the things often frustrating for Integration Manager users and developers alike is knowing what document number will be assigned by GP to an integrating transaction when the document number property in the mapping is set to Use Default . Typically, the developer will need this key piece of data, because the integration will perform some write back to a source system to mark a specific record as processed, but also passing back the document number that was assigned in GP. ļ»æ The UseDefault rule is shown for a Sales Transaction mapping ļ»æBut, how to know the journal number, or the order number, invoice number, or voucher number that GP has assigned to a submitted document after the record has been integrated? Let's start by saying that I have seen techniques that read the next document number from the Microsoft Dynamics GP ...

Look what Santa brought for me!

ļ»æļ»æThere is a little box for me... ļ»æļ»æ The elves at Amazon brought me a book! Gotta love this one! Great material for the winter!! I know Christmas is gone and whether you believe in Santa or not, that's a whole other story, but just before I left for vacation to New York City, I had ordered myself -- yes, I am my own Santa! -- a nice little reading material for the cold Atlanta winter. I figured, since summer was well spent with my Cookbooks , winter should be just as productive, especially the days I really don't feel like leaving my house. So, what did the elves at Amazon brought for me? Nothing more, nothing less than MVP Victoria Yudin 's brand new Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Implementation book. Now do me a favor... be your own Santa and go and order Victoria's book. Be this the time to also congratulate Victoria on her 7th year as a Microsoft Dynamics GP MVP... the woman is rolling ! Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP Maximum Global Busi...