How does Microsoft Dynamics GP determine which account to use when sending emails

One of the advantages of working with Microsoft Outlook is its ability to configure multiple email accounts. Recently, a partner was working with a customer that supports multiple companies, so a such, each employee has an email account per company supported. The partner was under the impression that Microsoft Dynamics GP "looked" at the mailbox for the email account opened at the time of sending an email, but came to the conclusion it wasn't the case as the customer could not get emails sent through a second email account. So how does Microsoft Dynamics GP determine which email account to use when sending emails via Microsoft Outlook? The mailbox information is determined based on the default email account configured in Microsoft Outlook. To check for the default email account in Microsoft Outlook, follow one of the following two procedures: Method 1: Control Panel 1. Open the Control Panel 2. Double-click on User Account and Family Safety 3. ...