
Showing posts from August, 2012

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 "Feature of the Day" - Week 6 Digest

Six weeks! Can you believe it? And so far 30 new features in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013. The features have ranged across the board: payables, receivables, SOP, POP, inventory, system manager, you name it! Without further due, here are the features for Week 6 digest. Feature of the Day: Requisition List Requisitions Navigation List in HR & Payroll Original article: Feature of the Day: Requisition List Link to presentation: GP2013 FOD_Requisition_List.ppsx Learning script: N/A Feature of the Day: Consolidated Invoicing Sales Bulk Confirmation window Original article: Feature of the Day: Consolidated Invoicing Link to presentation: GP2013 FOD Consolidated Invoicing.ppsx Learning script: GP2013 Consolidated Invoicing Learning Script Feature of the Day: Reconcile Bank Reconciliation to General Ledger   Reconcile Bank Rec to GL Original article: Feature of the Day: Reconcile Bank Reconciliation to General Ledger Link to presentation: GP2013 FOD ...

How to add a "Cover Letter" page to a Microsoft Dynamics GP Word Template document

I wrote an article almost a year ago showing a simple technique to add a  Terms and Conditions page to a Microsoft Dynamics GP Word Template document. You can read more about this here: How to add a "Terms and Conditions" page to a Microsoft Dynamics GP Word Template document Just recently, I received a comment on the article, where the poster was asking how to use the same techniques outlined to add a Cover Page to an invoice document, so I figure, after playing with the idea for a bit, that I would post the steps to accomplish this too. All steps - up to step 3 - are the same, except, you probably would want to give this template an appropriate name. I will continue with step 4 as it applies to this article. 4. Position your cursor immediately above the company address information and add 2 single line tables. Add one table first, then create additional separation with the company information by pressing enter on your keyboard a couple times. Mo...

GPUG Georgia Regional Chapter August Meeting

Today, I had the pleasure of attending the GPUG Georgia Regional Chapter August meeting event, chared by Kim Lanning over at Dell SecureWorks , and hosted by Prosys Information Systems at their offices in Norcross. It is always good to share experiences and learning moments with customers, partners, and ISVs. The August meeting featured reporting super-star and author, Chris Liley, Principal Consultant with I.B.I.S. Chris presented a session on SSRS Tips and Tricks, which featured some really good learning points and had a real life demo of building a security report in SSRS. Chris Liley presenting "SSRS Tips and Tricks" Next up were the folks over at ImageTag , engaging attendees on the usual complexities of managing paper documents while trying to keep proper traceability in place for these, which led into them demoing their KwikTag solution. KwikTag from ImageTag I have to admit, I thought this would be just another sales pit...

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 "Feature of the Day" - Week 5 Digest

Week 5 of the "Feature of the Day" series over at Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP is a mix bag of pleasant surprises: improvements in Sales Order Processing, Accounts Receivable, Human Resources/Payroll, and the Dexterity Runtime Engine, you could easily see how keeping track of all these things at once could drive anyone to the loony bin. As usual, this is where I come in by compiling all these features in one place for your delight. Feature of the Day: Relate-Link Items for Suggested Sales Two new windows: Suggest Sales Item Entry and Suggest Sales Item Maintenance Original article: Feature of the Day: Relate-Link Items for Suggested Sales Link to presentation: GP2013 Relate-Link Items for Suggested Sales.ppsx Learning script: N/A Feature of the Day: Cetification, Licensing, and Training Management CLTM now allows to delete history (password protected) and rows Orginal article: Feature of the Day: Cetification, Licensing, and Tra...

New Article on MSDynamicsWorld: Do's and Don'ts of Microsoft Dynamics GP Forums

Many of you know me as an avid forum contributor - I can usually be found on the Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner Online Technical Communityļ»æ and every once in a while on the Microsoft Dynamics GP Community Forum . Today, I came across a new article from MVP Victoria Yudin , posted on MSDynamicsWorld .  Her article, titled Do's and Don'ts of Microsoft Dynamics GP Forums: More Real World Lessons is an excellent piece on what is expected (and not) from you when you are about to request assistance on a forum, whether you are a partner or a customer. We all fall victims of the moment and want to get a problem resolved ASAP, but there is certain etiquette you must follow to ensure that your question is properly addressed by those of us who are gladly ready to help. I can't remember how many times I have had to ask "what version and build number of GP are you referring to?" when a question is posted on a forum. The bottom line is, these little things help us research...

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 "Feature of the Day" - Week 4 Digest

Week 4th of the Feature of the Day series went by with some really cool additions. The central theme: lots of visual cues for improved transaction readability and more reporting capabilities from within Microsoft Dynamics GP - yes, I can smell it too... Report Writer days, as the main user experience, are nearing the end. Feature of the Day: Email Indicators Email Indicator Original article: Feature of the Day: Email Indicators Link to presentation: GP2013 FOD Email Indicators.ppsx Learning script: N/A Feature of the Day: Reconcile IV to GL Reconcile IV to GL spreadsheet Original article: Feature of the Day: Reconcile IV to GL Link to presentation: GP2013 FOD Reconcile IV to GL.ppsx Learning script: GP2013 Reconcile IV to GL Script.docx Feature of the Day: SRS Reports on Forms SSRS Reports run from the GP forms directly Original article: Feature of the Day: SRS Reports on Forms Link to presentation: GP2013 FOD SSRS Reports on Forms.ppsx Learni...

Vote for your 2012 GPUG All Star

The time has come again to vote for the next year's GPUG All Star awards. Surprisingly, I have been nominated to this award along with fellow co-presenter of many events, David Musgrave . Each year, GPUG (The GP User Group) recognize 3 Premium Members who represent the community well by having: Courage ā€“ The strength to persevere, hold the talent to teach fellow GP users. Passion ā€“ For those who share their GP and technology passion with others. Resolve ā€“ Willing to take the time to help others with challenges they face. Advancement ā€“ The pursuit of individual and organizational growth and development. Click on the logo or link below to vote: GPUG ALL Star Award Survey The winners will be announced at the GPUG Summit 2012 in Seattle, WA, USA on the 15 th to 19 th of October at the Conference Center at the Washington State Convention Center. Visit to see the event agenda and learn more.  If you are not reg...

Extender Auto Open and Auto Close options not working in GP 2010

Just recently, I came across an issue reported by a partner on Extender Auto Open and Auto Close options not working. Extender Auto Open and Auto Close options After implementing a simple Extender window on the Item Maintenance form, I ran a couple tests to confirm. Effectively, when I did open the Item Maintenance window, the Extender window did not open as expected. I then went to the Additional menu to open the Extender window and then closed the Item Maintenance window. The Extender window did not close along with the Item Mantenance form. My environment is Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 with Service Pack 3 (11.00.2044), but the issue can be recreated on previous builds of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 as well. In the interest of full disclosure, I did not test this in any previous release of Dynamics GP, i.e., v10.0. The issue has been replicated by Microsoft and a problem report created for it, but no immediate fix date has been provided. If you are affected by this issue,...

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 "Feature of the Day" - Week 3 Digest

My buddy, David Musgrave, just reminded me that I needed to get working on the Feature of the Day post for week 3 and to be quite honest, is not that I had forgotten about them, but I just needed to get some coffee in my system before getting to work. You can find the previous 2 digests here: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 "Feature of the Day" - Week 1 Digest Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 "Feature of the Day" - Week 2 Digest And now that I've had some coffee, here we go with 5 more features for week 3. Feature of the Day:  Track Serial and Lot Numbers on Drop Ship PO Select Purchase Order Items window Original article: Feature of the Day: Track Serial and Lot Numbers on Drop Ship PO Link to presentation: GP2013 FOD: Track Serial Lot on Drop Ship.ppsx Learning script: GP2013 Tracking Serial Lot Numbers on Drop Ship PO Learning Script Feature of the Day:  Alternate Modified Forms and Reports Window Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports window...