Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Named System Database Architecture

I received a lot of feedback from the community as a whole on the 3-part series of articles on Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture and I was pleased to know that many of you are embracing the fact that there will be a Web client version of the product and are asking numerous questions about readiness. While these articles addressed the client portion of the solution, I really did not mention anything about changes in the database architecture and how these will impact the future deployment options. So, I have released a new architecture article on Microsoft Dynamics Community , this time addressing Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Named System Database Architecture . In this article I look at the named system database capabilities to be released in GP "12". This is, the ability to set any name to the traditional, hardcoded DYNAMICS database. Hope you enjoy the article and if you have any comments or questions please feel free to post back. ...