
Showing posts from May, 2011

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Named System Database Architecture

I received a lot of feedback from the community as a whole on the 3-part series of articles on Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture and I was pleased to know that many of you are embracing the fact that there will be a Web client version of the product and are asking numerous questions about readiness. While these articles addressed the client portion of the solution, I really did not mention anything about changes in the database architecture and how these will impact the future deployment options. So, I have released a new architecture article on Microsoft Dynamics Community , this time addressing Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Named System Database Architecture . In this article I look at the named system database capabilities to be released in GP "12". This is, the ability to set any name to the traditional, hardcoded DYNAMICS database. Hope you enjoy the article and if you have any comments or questions please feel free to post back. ...

Upgrade Strategies for Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Back in June of last year, I talked about Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor and how it can help in identifying potential upgrade issues when moving from earlier versions of SQL Server - see Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor . Bottom line, upgrading your database server requires careful planning. If you are still in the process of considering upgrading to SQL Server 2008 and are trying to workout whether to do an In-Place Upgrade versus a Side-by-Side Upgrade, then you will want to read Arshad Ali 's article on the subject over at SQL Server Central. Upgrade Strategies for SQL Server 2008 Arshad outlines why you should upgrade, the different strategies available, how to choose an upgrade method, putting a risk mitigation plan in place for your upgrade, the sequence of events, and much, much more, including how to read the results of the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor tool. Go and take a look. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPart...

Microsoft Dynamics GP Database Installation and Upgrade Statuses

I have to admit that to deliver this post I had to dig deep into the bowels of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities. Installation and upgrade statuses don't seem to be anywhere (that I could find anyways) handy and can be very important when looking at a DEXSQL.LOG file for reasons of a failure during any of these processes. Status Constant Storage Value DU_STATUS_DONE 0 DU_STATUS_START 1 DU_STATUS_INSTALL 2 DU_STATUS_UPGRADE 3 DU_STATUS_BIND_DEFAULTS   7 DU_STATUS_RECOMPILE 8 DU_STATUS_CONVERT 23 DU_STATUS_POST_CONVERT 30 During the installation or upgrade of a database, status codes are recorded in the DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade table for each Microsoft Dynamics GP dictionary being updated. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

Unhandled script exception: Illegal address for field '[Not Found]' in script 'Unregister_Triggers'

If you have recently upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 , a few days aback, a partner reported receiving the following errors when returning from Report Writer: Unhandled script exception: Illegal address for field '[Not Found]' in script 'Unregister_Triggers'. Script terminated. EXCEPTION_CLASS_SCRIPT_ADDRESSING SCRIPT_CMD_LOAD_ATSI7 Unhandled script exception: Illegal address for field '[Not Found]' The error is followed closely by: Unhandled script exception: Object has no reference. EXCEPTION_CLASS_SCRIPT_BAD_PARAM SCRIPT_CMD_DEREF_TABLE Upon review, the error appears to be an issue with Extender and also happens when returning from Modifier. This issue has been written up as a bug and is scheduled to be fixed. To workaround the issue, exit Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 and log back into the system. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

Microsoft Dynamics Most Influential People: Popularity vs Influence

Now that the Microsoft Dynamics Most Influential People Top 100 list is out I wanted to first congratulate everyone of my fellow MVPs and bloggers whose names appeared somewhere on the list and continue to wish everyone success. However, I also wanted to address those of you who were nominated (or not) and clearly not part of this list - see  David Musgrave 's article Microsoft Dynamics Top 100 Most Influential People for 2011 published , and Mark Polino 's article Top 100ā€“Whoā€™s Missing? for more information on the latter. Still, I feel compelled to write this article because I believe that being "influential" has nothing to do with being "popular". Though one could argue that these two words are used interchangeably, the bottom line is that they do stand their own ground. Being influential allows you to affect outcomes, to drive people to do things because you ask them to do so or because you are doing them and they follow suit, whereas popularity is n...

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture - Part 3

This is article 3 of 3 from the series Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture . Some images and content reproduced with express permission from Microsoft Business Solutions, a division of Microsoft Corporation. In Part 2 we explored the Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client's Rendering Engine and how it had to be decoupled from the overall Dexterity Runtime Engine functions, in order to create a Generic Window Object that could be rendered as a Windows Form or a Silverlight interface. Today this article discusses how a Generic Window Object is transformed into a Windows form or a Silverlight UI, but before, let's remember that the Window Manager , a former part of the Dexterity Runtime Engine, is still in charge of processing the UI events while  the Rendering Engine presents the interface to the end-user. Dynamic Form Rendering with Template Processor Now that the Dexterity Runtime Engine has been freed of these tasks, the resulti...

Free post-Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Atlanta 2011 webinar - RESCHEDULED!

By request, we have been asked to reschedule this webinar. Apparently interest was high, but schedules a bit conflicting. So, if you did not get a chance to sign-up the first time around, you now have a second chance! Come and join me and my fellow IntellPartners team members in this post Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2011 webinar to gain an insight into some of the key topics covered at the event: Microsoft Dynamics GP roadmap - presented by IntellPartners CEO, Ted Mauldin Migrating FRx to Management Reporter - presented by MVP Frank Hamelly Effectively Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP - presented by MVP Mariano Gomez Join us - Wednesday May 18th, 11:00 AM ā€“ 12:00 PM, EST  and you will be entered in a drawing to win a FREE one day guest pass to Microsoft Convergence Houston 2012 ! Don't miss this fabulous opportunity. Click here for more details. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture - Part 2

This is article 2 of 3 from the series Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture . Some images and content reproduced with express permission from Microsoft Business Solutions, a division of Microsoft Corporation. In Part 1 of this series I went through the architecture transition from the classic client (the traditional Microsoft Dexterity interface and its evolution) to the Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client and introduced some elements of that architecture (Silverlight, .NET C#, and .NET Runtime) and how these elements fall into the "Built to Last" philosophy outlined in the overall  Architectural Foundation . Today, this article will continue down the lines outlining some of the technology challenges posed by the introduction of the Web Client and the highlighting some of the radical changes (from a development perspective) needed at the core of Microsoft Dexterity and Microsoft Dynamics GP to enable the Microsoft Silverlight interface...

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture - Part 1

This is article 1 of 3 from the series Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture . Some images and content reproduced with express permission from Microsoft Business Solutions, a division of Microsoft Corporation. In past weeks I mentioned expanding a bit more on the Web Client to be introduced with codename GP "12". Web Client Overview The Web Client is the full GP application delivered through the Web. The key pieces to be delivered will be the core application components, ISV dictionaries, and in-house customizations - Dexterity customizations. At the core of the web client is the UI update which will feature new homepage tiles, ribbons and tabs. Microsoft expects that UI performance will rival that of Terminal Server or better. Client/Server Architecture Transition Historically, the Microsoft Dynamics GP application has followed a 2-tier client/server architecture, which divides the application functions into two distinct, but very interrelate...

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture Series

You've got a peek at the past Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Conference, you saw it at Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Atlanta 2011. But do you really understand what goes on "under the hood". If you are intreagued by the upcoming codename GP "12", today I begin a series of articles oriented to shed some light on the new application architecture. Get a review of the web client and the transition from the classic client to the new architecture environment, understand what changes went into rendering the Silverlight interface, how UI templates work and future deployment options, get an introduction to Dynamic Form Rendering and why this technology is so cool. The publishing schedule for these articles are as follows: Published Date Featured Article 05/09/2011 Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture - Part 1 05/11/2011 Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Web Client Architecture - Part 2 05/16/2011 Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" W...

IM: Integrating Timesheet Line Items not associated to a project

Just recently, I was following a thread on the  Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner Forum where the partner was attempting to integrate timesheets using the eConnect Adapter for Integration Manager, but kept getting the error: DOC 1 ERROR: eConnect The 'NONE' start tag on line 1 does not match the end tag of 'PAPROJNUMBER'. Line 1, position 2316. When entering timesheets in the Timesheet Entry window, you can enter a line item that isnā€™t for a specific project by pressing TAB to default the project number to " ". This instructs Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Accounting that there will be no project associated to the timesheet line. As logic would have you believe, if you are integrating a timesheet line that is not associated to a project, it would be enough to pass the same " " string value to the timesheet line and things should be fine, right? Wrong! Passing in the " " tag caused the timesheet integration to fail with the error above. ...

Free post Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Atlanta 2011 webinar

Come and join me and my fellow IntellPartners team members in this post Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2011 webinar to gain an insight into some of the key topics covered at the event: Microsoft Dynamics GP roadmap - presented by IntellPartners CEO, Ted Mauldin Migrating FRx to Management Reporter - presented by MVP Frank Hamelly Effectively Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP - presented by MVP Mariano Gomez Join us - Wednesday May 11th, 11:00 AM ā€“ 12:00 PM, EST  and you will be entered in a drawing to win a FREE one day guest pass to Microsoft Convergence Houston 2012 ! Don't miss this fabulous opportunity. Click here for more details. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

IM - "You must close all Microsoft Dynamics GP windows in order to run an integration"

A few weeks aback, I co-presented a deep dive session with my partner in crime, David Musgrave, at Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Atlanta 2011 DDGP03 Microsoft Dynamics GP Customization & Integration Tools Review - see Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Atlanta 2011: Day 3 for more on what happened that day. At the end of this session, someone approached me with the old age question, "Why when I run IM integrations I receive the error 'You must close all Microsoft Dynamics GP windows in order to run an integration'?" . The error looks somewhat like this: Integration Manager error Typically, Integration Manager will check to make sure all windows in Microsoft Dynamics GP are closed prior to beginning the execution of the integration. If all windows are found to be closed, the integration will proceed as normal, else you will receive the above error. This internal checked is controlled via a flag in the key file, Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.ini ....