Dex - Dexterity and IntelliSense: It's time to vote!

Yesterday I presented some arguments for IntelliSense implementation in Dexterity . If you are an ISV or application developer who spends a lot of time developing Microsoft Dexterity applications and working in the Dexterity environment, you may certainly appreciate the benefits of having intellisense embedded in the sanScript language. Take this sample muck up of the Script Editor window: As a result of this, I have opened a Microsoft Connect product suggestion to have this feature implemented, but it cannot be even considered if YOU the reader don't take 1 minute of your time to vote on the suggestion. So, if you are reading this now, please click on the link below the image (or on the image itself) to cast your support for this suggestion. Microsoft Connect product suggestion 570553 [Ed:] If you have problems accessing the link, visit to associate your Windows Live ID and create profile prior to voting. The Microsoft Dexterity development communit...