Decisions 2010 Spring Conference - Day 1

I woke up this morning thinking to myself Decisions 2010 Spring Conference would be "just another webinar". When I logged on to the Conference site I was confronted with a true virtual conference environment with expo halls, booths, and even a lounge where you could "hang out" and chat with other users.

The idea of being able to go to the different virtual spaces was amazing to say the least. The application platform was simply breath taking. I then decided to take a tour through the different exhibit halls. I quickly rushed into the East Exhibit Hall where I "came across" the folks of Accellos, FastPath, and Flexible Solutions.

One thing to note about the virtual expo environments, is the background sound of people transiting around the expo and talking, conveying the sense of activity.

I stopped over at the Flexible Solutions booth where I chatted with MVP Victoria Yudin and Mickie Stamm. The team seemed a bit busy, so I left after 5 minutes to visit other areas of the Conference.

After visiting the East Exhibit Hall, I "went" to the West Exhibit Hall area. I probably spent some 15 to 20 minutes touring around the exhibits and saying hi to a number of people who I recognized by name.

Like with any real-world expo halls, navigating through these and saying hi to everyone just seemed a bit tiresome. So, off I went to the Lounge area. The Lounge was very busy with a lots of users and partners exchanging experiences via the chat platform.

I introduced myself to a few individuals and had to quickly switch my focus to my session. My session was scheduled to begin at 1:00 PM EDT with tech check at 12:30 EDT. Tech check went well with some issues around the sound quality of the VoIP phone in my hotel here in Las Vegas. Little before the conference was scheduled to begin I asked the magic question: how do I share my screen with the attendees? The silence on the other side of the line told the whole story. I won't have that option.

Regardless of the issue at hand, I decided to move forward. My session began with opening introduction by Mr. David Gumpert, Editorial Director at MSDynamicsWorld and one of the individuals responsible for the organization of the Decisions 2010 Spring Conference. Once the introduction was over, I began talking through my slides explaining the benefits of managing security with the Support Debugging Tool. I covered two main topics: the Security Profiler and the improved Security Information window, and believed to have gotten the central message of my presentation across: "use Support Debugging Tool to administer your Microsoft Dynamics GP security... it just makes all the sense in the world and it's free!". Still, I walked away from the session with a bit of frustration for not being able to deliver the demo I had planned.

Attendance to the session was 65-strong, with questions revolving around the future of Support Debugging Tool, new features to be released in upcoming builds, and deployment options. The session ended very quick as the allotted time was only 30 minutes.


Support Debugging Tool on this blog - Click here
Support Debugging Tool Portal on Developing for Dynamics GP - Click here
Support Debugging Tool past conference materials - Click here

For more coverage on Decisions 2010 Spring Conference day 1, please read the following articles by fellow blogger Jivtesh Singh:

Jeff McDowell’s ‘Are You Ready for Your Next Audit with Microsoft Dynamics GP?’
Amber Bell’s ‘Discovering Dynamics GP Features that Add Value Now’ Presentation
Mariano Gomez’s Dynamics GP Security Administration
Decisions 2010 – Booths and Dynamics GP Sessions

It's still not late for you to visit the Decisions 2010 Spring Conference site, after all it's a virtual environment. You still have a chance to catch the wrap up of the conference with interesting interactive user sessions.

Until next post!

Mariano Gomez, MVP
Maximum Global Business, LLC


Beat BUCHER said…
Hi Mariano,
Was nice to see that you were presenting the session about GP security and Support DEbuging Tool at this conference. I mostly focused my sessions on CRM, since I missed many of them at Convergence 2010. I was checking your session in parallel with another one about CRM yesterday. Good Job. Have a nice day.
davidgumpert said…
Glad you enjoyed the conference, and got to do some networking. It is an amazing platform, but it still takes people energy to make it come alive. You helped make it a big success--great presentation.

I'd like to remind your readers that the presentations will all be available for 90 days following close of the conference tonight.

David Gumpert
Editorial Director

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