
Showing posts from May, 2020

Power Apps - Mixed Reality 3D Viewer and MR Viewer controls

In this video, I show you how Power Apps Mixed Reality works from the ground up. We will build a simple app that leverages the 3D Viewer and MR Viewer controls to display a 3D model of Star Trek's USS Endeavour. Somewhere, I also introduce the use of the Power Apps Self operator and show you how you can capture images from your Augmented Reality (AR) experience and store them in a collection   To check out my YouTube channel visit: LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!! Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP

Fun and Non-Traditional uses for Power BI, Power Apps and Power Automate

In this video, I teamed up with fellow Microsoft MVPs, Belinda Allen and Daniel Christian , to show some non-traditional use cases for Power Platform. You will see examples on motion and creating motion patterns for things like the Solar System in Power Apps, cool data analysis of everything from the lottery numbers to UFO sightings to fact checking politicians in Power BI, and a showcase of Star Trek's Starfleet with using mixed reality, along with some Galaga game concepts, all in Power Apps.   Recorded at the Virtual Power Platform World Tour held on May 14, 2020. To check out my YouTube channel visit: LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!! Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP

#Hack4GoodMBAS 2020 Global Hackaton

This past weekend, I was privileged to participate on the 24-hour Hack4Good MBAS 2020 global hackathon, carried out prior to the Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2020 . The theme for this hackathon revolved around COVID-19 and challenged all participating teams to create innovative solutions leveraging the entire Microsoft stack to solve a single problem. The hackathon involved teams from across all continents. From left to right and top to bottom, me, Vivek Bavishi , Jon Levesque , April Dunnam , Geetha Sivasailam , and Joe Unwin , collectively Team FlowFam . Our use of Microsoft Power Platform, Mixed/Augmented Reality, and advanced search and location services and data storage allows this solution to be used in several settings, but we decided to build a tool that could potentially help government and city planning officials, along with military engineers to quickly locate facilities and public spaces, measure and create floor plans, quickly calculate and plan bed s...

Power Platform Share with Steve, Mariano, and Belinda (Episode 7)

I caught up with fellow MVPā€™s Steve Endow  and Belinda Allen  again for our Power Platform Share and have invited a special guest, fellow MVP Reza Dorrani  to present some of the latest Power Platform features and stuff he's been working on. Suffice to say Reza blew us away with his COVID-19 tracker while showing some of the new mapping and geospatial capabilities available with Power Apps.   To check out my YouTube channel visit: LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!! Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP

Working Remotely with Microsoft Dynamics GP

I had a chance to sit down with fellow MVPs Belinda Allen and Shawn Dorward , GPUG All*Star Amber Bell , and Zubin Gidwani from Dynamic Budgets to talk about "Work from Home" strategies with Dynamics GP amidst the Coronavirus stay at home orders Each one of us was tasked with presenting a rapid fire session outlining an approach to work remotely with Microsoft Dynamics GP. To check out my YouTube channel visit: LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!! Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP