Installing Microsoft Azure Integration Runtime

The Integration Runtime (IR) is a customer managed data integration infrastructure used by Azure Data Factory to provide data integration capabilities across different network environments. It was formerly called as Data Management Gateway. It is used by Business Central and Dynamics GP to provide a one-way data synchronization between your on-premises SQL Server hosting your company databases, and your Business Central tenant data store in the cloud via Azure Data Factory. The self-hosted IR is capable of: Running copy activity between a cloud data stores and a data store in private network. Dispatching the following transform activities against compute resources in On-Premise or Azure Virtual Network: HDInsight Hive activity (BYOC), HDInsight Pig activity (BYOC), HDInsight MapReduce activity (BYOC), HDInsight Spark activity (BYOC), HDInsight Streaming activity (BYOC), Machine Learning Batch Execution activity, Machine Learning Update Resource activities, Stored Procedure activ...