Deploying Microsoft Dynamics GP on an Azure SQL Managed Instance - Part 2/3

In Part 1 of this series, I walked through the process and experience of signing up for the Azure SQL Managed Instance preview and the deployment process once approved. I also covered some of the issues I ran into. In this installment, I will take a look at deploying Microsoft Dynamics GP and, again, looking at the process and experiences I encountered while doing so. Pre-Microsoft Dynamics GP Deployment One of the steps within the deployment of a Managed Instance is the provisioning of a VM to be able to connect to the service. The instructions call for downloading and installing Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio on the VM. I figured, this is the VM I would also be using to install Dynamics GP, IIS, and Web Client. NOTE : Currently, you cannot connect to a Managed Instance from outside of the Azure vNet infrastructure, and frankly it makes a lot of sense. A few things I noticed right off the bat after connecting to the Managed Instance: a) A Managed Instance is confi...