Microsoft Convergence Atlanta 2015 (#CONV15) - Day 4

Phew! How about that OneRepublic concert ? Day 4 is finally here and with it, all good things must come to an end. For a change, today David and I managed to make it down to the GWCC on time and had a fairly relaxed breakfast at the Meal Hall to then move over to the Phillips Arena for one very interesting closing keynote. As customary, an energetic Judson Althoff , President Microsoft North America welcomed the crowd to the event and proceeded to recap the week and what will be seen from Microsoft in the coming months. Judson Althoff, President Microsoft North America The first thing in his opening was to remind the audience how Convergence is becoming the premier event for business and that Microsoft, at its core, is " the productivity and platform company for the mobile first, cloud first world " and how the company is thinking about innovation and technology. Althoff then introduced the upcoming events, Microsoft Ignite which is geared to showcase innovat...