
Showing posts from October, 2013

SmartList Builder: Displaying Negative Amounts based on Document Type

Here's a nugget I picked up at GPUG Summit 2013 Tampa by attending the BDA06 Going Deep with SmartList Builder ( Complete survey ) session hosted by Nicole Albertson from eOne Business Solutions . Traditionally, whenever I needed to get, say, return document amounts or credit document amounts in general to show as negative in a SmartList, I would recur to the outdated method of setting up a calculated field based on a T-SQL CASE statement to take the document amount and multiply it by negative 1 (-1). The calculation looked something like this, in the case of a Return document in a Sales Transactions smart list: Calculated Field for a Negative Value based on Document Type This method has been used for several years now, but not without its flaws: 1. If you have a large data set, performance can be negatively impacted. Remember, the more calculations, the more pass through SQL that needs to be executed by SmartList Builder. This method in particula...

Web Client Wednesday - User Interface Differences

How I get dragged into these things is beyond me, but MVP Mark Polino has convinced me that we need to make sure we dedicate a post every Wednesday to the Web Client and frankly, it did not take an arm twist to get me to bite. Take a look at Mark's first post where he details how the installation Repair feature saves you from a full re-installation or redeployment. To kick off this series, I will talk about something I was asked about during my web client training session at GPUG Summit 2013 Tampa : what are the main differences between the desktop and web client user interfaces? This topics has been covered in bits and pieces here and there, but I will try to round them out all in a single post. At a general level, the first notable change is the replacement of the traditional menu navigation available in the desktop client for the use of navigation bars and lists. But then again, Microsoft introduced navigation lists since version 9.0, so by now you should be a pro using...

GPUG Summit 2013 Tampa Wrap Up

I just got back from GPUG Summit 2013 in Tampa and I have to say it was a very exciting week. With a 4-hour training and 3 sessions over 3 days, reality is time is always of the essence at a conference like this one. If you went to any of my sessions, please fill out the survey as this is how I get invited to these events - seriously! ITP02: Fun with Microsoft Dynamics GP Administration Tools Wednesday October 23, 2013 2:00pm - 3:00pm CPE Eligible Complete survey STR04: Web Client Deployment for IT Directors Thursday October 24, 2013 1:15pm - 2:15pm CPE Eligible Complete survey ITP07: Administering SQL for Microsoft Dynamics GP Administrators Friday October 25, 2013 9:45am - 10:45am CPE Eligible Complete survey Nonetheless, I got a chance to attend a few sessions where I picked up a few nuggets (blog material for this week) and learned some more about topics I don't usually get involved with and, boy, it was all worth it! Some of the sessions I attended ...

Attending GPUG 2013 in Tampa? Don't miss my sessions

Well, it's yet another conference for me. This time around, I will be presenting at GPUG Summit 2013 in beautiful Tampa, Florida and I was hoping that, if you are attending, a) you can come to one or all of my sessions, and b) that you would absolutely stop by to say hello. My sessions are as follow: Fun with Microsoft Dynamics GP Administrative Tools Wednesday , October 23 ā€¢ 2:00pm - 3:00pm This session will involve some Support Debugging Tool, but I also have a bit of an ace under the sleeve for attendees, so you won't want to miss this one. Web Client Deployment for IT Directors Thursday , October 24 ā€¢ 1:15pm - 2:15pm With the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client, IT administrators are at the cross-roads of continuing to support a traditional rich client environment and adopting the new Web Client interface. Come learn what it takes to deploy Web Client, upgrade your current rich client environment (whether you are on a Terminal Server or...

Microsoft Dexterity Training back by popular demand

(C) Microsoft Corporation You asked for it and we are responding to your request. Given the success of our past Microsoft Dexterity training roadshow, we are launching a new round of training sessions for 2014. This time, we have expanded the number of training offers to cover advanced Dexterity topics, and for the first time, we are introducing Visual Studio Tools for Dexterity developers (and .NET developers too). DEX001: Microsoft Dexterity Fundamentals - classes in Atlanta, Miami, and Toronto DEX002: Advanced Microsoft Dexterity Development - classes in Boston and Montreal DEX003: Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dexterity Developers - classes in Las Vegas and Seattle. Want to attend, but don't want to leave your offices? We will come to you. (*) You can find all about each class offered on our training page . For more information, contact Chuck Boyles at +1 (678) 993-6971. (*) Some restrictions apply. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPa...