GP 2013: Why are my SmartLists not formatted when exported to Excel?

Just recently I have been seeing a number of questions around Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Smartlist exports to Microsoft Office Excel not being formatted correctly - let's rephrase, the correct word to use here is "nicely". The issues usually involve leading zeroes being dropped (in some cases) and currency amounts being exported with 5 decimals and no currency symbol. Exported Payables Transactions smart list To make a one swipe statement here, this behavior IS NOT a product bug - despite the inconvenience. With the introduction of the Web Client in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, the development team needed the ability improve the performance of Smartlist exports over the browser. To gain this dramatic improvement in performance (which is also experienced when using the rich client), exported Excel smart lists were voided of formatting. There's an undocumented Dex.ini switch that provides limited formatting to Smartlists, thus maintaining export performance:...