
Showing posts from June, 2012

Extracting data from Microsoft Dynamics GP company databases using SQL Server FOR XML and XMLNAMESPACES

I truly love what I do. Really! My job takes me just about everywhere around this great country of ours and beyond its borders in the quest of helping clients and partners get the best out of their Microsoft Dynamics GP application and data. In reference to the latter - data - I had been asked recently by a client how they could produce XML formatted data from their Microsoft Dynamics GP databases to be consumed by some web services applications they had developed. Some conditions around this request: The client did not want to implement eConnect Requester, though I have to admit this would have been a slam dunk with MSMQ queues.  The XML documents needed to be rather available and changeable very quickly to serve other needs. No additional investments in third party products, middlewares or the likes could be suggested since budget was pretty tight. In other words, no eConnect, no third party products, and lots of flexibility... The answer could only be one: use the po...

Errol Schoenfish: 25 years and still loving it

I read attentively Errol's recent post, 25 years and still loving it! , from beginning to end. Frankly, it reminded me of my own start in the industry and how I have evolved personally and professionally over the last 18 years. So much was my interest in the article that I asked Errol to provide some additional insight into his early days working for Great Plains Software, how he's got here today, and what made those early days special. After all, we all have dealth with that one support case we will always remember. "This is the group of 11 support people that I started with. A great group. Still with Microsoft are Sue (Ewing) Larson, Lynne Stockstad, Randy Gerhold, Cheri (Whelan) Schoenfish, and myself. Both Randy and I left Great Plains and returned later. Randy came back through the acquisition of Real World and I left the company for 3 Ā½ years to work for a reselling partner of GP in Fargo and came back 16 Ā½ years ago. Iā€™ve been a support technicia...

Leveraging Custom Links to track carrier shipments in Sales Order Processing

You know, I believe I will forward this to MVP Frank Hamelly for his next session at the upcoming GPUG Summit Seattle 2012 , " 13 MORE Classic, Underused Features in GP ". And now that I did the plug in for Frank's session... This week I have a chance to review one of those truly underutilized features in Microsoft Dynamics GP, this time, as a result of some quality control work I am performing at one of our projects going live in 2 weeks. My customer, a specialty food and fine chocolates distributor here in the Washington D.C. area needed to provide his customer service staff with the ability to see package delivery status when products leave any of the 5 warehouses around the country. To make matters more interesting, they are currently using Savant Software's Shipping Manifest module coupled with Savant Software's Warehouse Management System , both of which are integrated to Microsoft Dynamics GP. When orders are shipped from the S...

Microsoft West Coast Customs 67 Mustang

This is not necessarily a Microsoft Dynamics GP post, but rather a post on how Microsoft is thinking of embedding some of its current Windows 8, Kinnect, and cloud technology into the automotive world. On the other hand, West Coast Customs is one of the top custom cars designer in the world and are pretty known for their Street Customs show on Discovery's TLC channel. Both companies teamed up to produce one of the sickest rides I have ever seen in years. I think you can appreciate the craftsmanship from West Coast Customs in executing Microsoft's vision. Enjoy the video! Game Trailers - E3 2012 - Rides Whips & Hoons And yes... that was "250 to 300" thousand dollars, as in $300,000!! The car was revealed at the Bellevue, WA Microsoft store. Here was the launch: Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC