Extracting data from Microsoft Dynamics GP company databases using SQL Server FOR XML and XMLNAMESPACES

I truly love what I do. Really! My job takes me just about everywhere around this great country of ours and beyond its borders in the quest of helping clients and partners get the best out of their Microsoft Dynamics GP application and data. In reference to the latter - data - I had been asked recently by a client how they could produce XML formatted data from their Microsoft Dynamics GP databases to be consumed by some web services applications they had developed. Some conditions around this request: The client did not want to implement eConnect Requester, though I have to admit this would have been a slam dunk with MSMQ queues. The XML documents needed to be rather available and changeable very quickly to serve other needs. No additional investments in third party products, middlewares or the likes could be suggested since budget was pretty tight. In other words, no eConnect, no third party products, and lots of flexibility... The answer could only be one: use the po...