
Showing posts from June, 2011

Support Debugging Tool Build 15 now released

These are exciting times... the Support Debugging Tool Build 15 has been released! If you attended our session, CSGP014-R2 Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP Like a Pro with the Support Debugging Tool  during Convergence Atlanta 2011 , you may recall that the features David Musgrave (author of the Support Debugging Tool) and I presented were all part of the Build 15 beta release at the time. Since then, the Support Debugging Tool has been propped up with a number of enhancements and bug fixes that make the wait while worth. Support Debugging Tool Build 15 - UI Facelift Take a look at David Musgrave's release article, Support Debugging Tool Build 15 released , for a complete list of fixes, enhancements, performance improvements, usability and  features included in the new build. Build 15 is only available for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, and Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2. You can download Build 15 at: Support Debugging Tool for Microsoft ...

IM - Cannot Open Database error when running eConnect adapter integration

Here comes one of those puzzling errors that can have you spinning your wheels for a bit until you resolve it. Just recently, I was helping a client building a Fixed Assets integration. The requirement called for importing a number of asset records and have a method that could be reused as new assets are added to the organization's 15 different locations... that's the easy part! We were getting ready to run our first integration when the dreadful error came up: ERROR: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot open database "XYZAB" requested by the login. The login failed" Of course, here comes the troubleshooting aspect of the process. With the client running eConnect 10, there are a few places to look for issues that may trigger this error: Component Services: The most likely cause of this error message is a problem with the eConnect COM+ configuration. Open the Component Services by clicking Start > Run and type in dcomcnfg . Expand Component Servic...

Decisions Spring 2011 now available on-demand

Missed out on any of the MSDynamicsWorld Decisions Spring 2011 presentations? I know I did! Now you can review each and every single one from the comfort of your lazy boy, by clicking on the following link: Decisions Spring 2011 On-demand You will need a user ID and password to access the site, but it's never too late to register . I had the pleasure to have Errol Schoenfish, Director of Product Management, Microsoft Dynamics GP taking questions at the end of the presentation with me. Please go back and enjoy the session. For presentation materials, see my previous post MSDynamicsWorld's Decisions Spring 2011 virtual conference Day 2 . Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

Invalid column name 'Search_dates_1' upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2

For many of us tech heads in the trenches, upgrades constitute a large part of the activities we carry out throughout the year for our clients. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 has certainly added to the list of tasks that we must complete throughout these days. This week marks the beginning of another upgrade that I must carry out for a client. The client will be upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0  (9.0.0388) to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 (11.00.1752). It has been brought to the Community's attention, an issue upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 installations to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 SP1 (and possibly involving 2010 R2). Some people have reported getting the following error during the upgrade: The following SQL statement produced an error: if not exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[SLB10400]') and .... Followed by, Invalid column name 'Search_dates_1' It is also possible that other tables and columns may error out: DD...

Passing arrays as parameters to functions or procedures in Dexterity

First, some theory... The individual pieces that make up an array are called elements. The elements are numbered from 1 to the size of the array. Arrays can have up to 32,767 elements. The number used to indicate a specific element of the array is called the array index. A specific element of the array is referenced in sanScript using its corresponding array index. Typically, an array can be used in place of several fields that have the same data type and will be storing similar information. For example, if an application keeps track of monthly sales for a year, one monthly sales array field with an array size of 12 could be used to store this information instead of 12 separate fields. Dexterity applications can use array fields [in tables] and array local variables [in memory]. Array fields are created in the Field Definition window by setting the Array Size field to the size of the array. Array local variables are created by including the size of the array in brackets ā€“ [ ]...

DayONE Encore Microsoft Dynamics GP Development Tools

If you missed the DayONE session presented by David Musgrave and I, now is your chance to catch up again - please come! It was standing room only!!! Wondering about whether to develop in Modifier with VBA, Dexterity, or Visual Studio Tools? Not sure which one might be the best fit for your development resources and your Dynamics GP environment? In this interactive discussion, listen, learn, and share experiences about developing in Modifier with VBA, Dexterity, or Visual Studio Tools. Learn the pros and cons of each to allow you to make better development decisions. It's your chance to ask the questions you always wanted about the subject. This is a Premium Event, Premium GPUG members only. Event Type Webinar Schedule - DayONE Encore Microsoft Dynamics GP Development Tools (June 2011) - 06/21/2011 10:00 AM (ET - UTC - 5:00) - 06/21/2011 11:00 AM (ET - UTC - 5:00) Existing GPUG members with an associated Windows Live ID , please Sign In below to register (please...

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Multi-tenant Services Architecture

Finally, my new post on Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Multi-tenant Services Architecture has been released on the Community site under my In My Humble Opinion column. After much debating with my buddy Aaron Donat (thanks Aaron for your patience!) on the previous article I released under the same title, it was deemed that that article should have been changed to reflect the Named System Databases architecture change that the Development team in Fargo was working on. This new article highlights the changes that the Microsoft Dynamics GP web client, web services, eConnect, and Integration Manager will undergo to support various customer deployments under one single application instance. Now, this is true optimization! Hosting partners rejoice! Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

MSDynamicsWorld's Decisions Spring 2011 virtual conference Day 2

Today was my turn at the bat... so to speak. My session, Microsoft Dynamics GP Roadmap Explained began on time at 11:00 AM ET and counted with the participation of guest Errol Schoenfish , Director of Product Management, Microsoft Dynamics.  The session ran for some 20 minutes and was over by 11:20 AM ET. At the end of the session, Errol and I fielded a number of questions from the participants attending the session. I have to say, there were quite a bit of questions, perhaps more than I originally expected, which made for an excellent wrap up as it provided everyone with a unique opportunity (over 40 minutes!) to ask Errol directly about the future of Microsoft Dynamics GP and Management Reporter. Interestingly enough, we had a large number of developers in the crowd who wanted to know what the product future holds for existing Dexterity and Modifier/VBA customizations. If you are interested in knowing about these details, beyond what was...

MSDynamicsWorld's Decisions Spring 2011 virtual conference starts today

MSDynamicsWorld's Decisions Spring 2011 Conference is now open for attendees. Today is AX Day and I have toured through the different Expo booths and have had a chance to chat with a few known souls. Check the banner above for the product schedules. Tomorrow I will be talking about Microsoft Dynamics GP product direction at the event with a surprise guest to wrap up my presentation. Needless to say, my guest is a highly visible Microsoft executive and will be taking questions from the audience - enough said! Decisions is the largest virtual conference of its type in the Microsoft Dynamics community and it's free! There is no excuse not to participate. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

Windows 8 Demo

In the past days, my good old friend from the other side of the world, David Musgrave  released a sneak peak post into Windows 8. This time, there's a full 20 minute video showcasing some of the features that will be available in the new Microsoft operating system. If you know own a Windows Phone 7 device, you will find tons of similarities between the two. The only one question I have... is Windows 8 still going to have that antiquated DOS shell built into it? Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Architecture: Correction!

In past days I released an article explaining the upcoming Named Systems Database  architecture enhancement in codename GP "12" release. However, this article was incorrectly released under the title Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Multi-tenancy Architecture . The article's title, content, and graphics have been corrected since and re-released under the title Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" Named System Database Architecture under my Community site column,  IMHO with The Dynamics GP Blogster . For your convenience, the link remains the same and your bookmarks should continue to work. To compensate for this mishap, I have also included additional information on the Named System Database feature and the problems it's trying to solve. The Multitenacy Architecture concept is still very much alive and I will pick this up in an upcoming article. Please stay tune as you will sure like this one! Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP IntellPartners, LLC...

San Andres Island, Colombia - The Trip

Back at the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Conference 2011  in Fargo, ND and Microsoft Convergence 2011 Atlanta , my sidekick, David Musgrave thought it would be a good idea to introduce my hometown, San Andres Island , as part of our presentations and give all attendees to our sessions a free ticket to the island. If you did not get yours please see David next time - ok, just kidding! Sprat Bight Beach in the North End of the Island Well, I decided that after attending the both the Technical Conference and Convergence, and having wrapped up a couple projects, it was about time to visit my parents, siblings, and friends, before things got crazy again - and so I did last week! Getting to San Andres Island When I was planning the trip from Atlanta, I was weighing two options to get there: Option 1 : Fly from Atlanta (ATL) to Panama City, Panama (PTY) with Delta Airlines , then take a flight out of Panama City to San Andres Island (ADZ) with ...