
Showing posts from November, 2010

Microsoft Dynamics GP - More than just Program Files!

In recent days, I have been resting from a long standing project in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada. Months of traveling every two weeks back and forth have certainly paid off with my customer going live with their newly reimplemented systems. As a Delta regular, working at 35,000 feet during commute time has become more than just a laptop maneuvering exercise and has driven me to explore other obscure features of my beloved Microsoft Dynamics GP, all on my way to the client. One such thing I decided to explore is, how much of a footprint does a Microsoft Dynamics GP (versions 10 and 2010) installation really have? This curiousity took a different dimension after reading a recent article by fellow blogger Jen Kuntz on Uninstalling Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 the hardway . In this article, Jen outlines a number of locations, both logical and physical, where she had to search for references to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 in order to be able to reinstall the...

Add-In Initialization Error when launching Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

Lately, many users have reported getting the error depicted below after launching Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 with Service Pack 5 or Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 with Service Pack 1: ļ»æ Add-In Initialization Error The error references the Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.OnlineServices.dll ļ»æ assembly file as the root cause of the problem. This assembly was shipped with Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 SP5 and is a part of the Dynamics Online Services application. The error typically indicates that the add-in assembly is loaded, however, it most likely indicates that the Dexterity portion of the application, dictionary DO6499.dic , isn't loaded in the path found in the DYNAMICS.SET file -- which should have also generated a dictionary load error prior to receiving the above message -- or isn't loaded at all. To fix this error: 1. Run a repair or update on the Microsoft Dynamics GP client under the Windows Control Panel. This will reinstall the Dynamics Online Services appli...

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's this time of the year again... I am personally thankful for your readership and all the feedback I have received from you throughout the year from a good number of you following this blog. Now, go eat some turkey! Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP Maximum Global Business, LLC

Disabling Multiple Ledgers functionality in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010...after the fact

Let's face it! Like many things in life, configuration decisions are revisited even after going live (rightfully so!) with your system. What was viewed and considered a requirement a few months aback and worked during User Acceptance Testing turns out to be something the business no longer needs today, due to changes in direction, or changes in business conditions. Just recently, I came across a request for disabling the new reporting ledgers functionality in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010. While this implementation was not live, this issue was clearly affecting the consulting teams ability to move forward. The following script should disable the reporting ledgers function: -- Created by Mariano Gomez, MVP -- This code is licensed under the Creative Commons -- Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic license. UPDATE GL40000 SET Allow_Reporting_Ledgers = 0, UseLedgersForAcctBalance = 0; DELETE FROM GL40001; Once the script is executed, go back to the General Ledger Setu...

Granting Microsoft Dynamics GP user minimal access at the database level to setup additional users

After the long title of this post, you probably already have the idea of what the article will be about. However, back in April of 2009, I wrote about the POWERUSER role and the Microsoft SQL Server sysadmin server role - see Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 POWERUSER role vs Microsoft SQL Server sysadmin role  - and explained the key differences between the two. Among other things, I discussed how a GP user login that's assigned to the sysadmin server role on Microsoft SQL Server becomes able to setup new users in GP. However, those of you who are database administrators have been quite reluctant to add logins to the sysadmin group, and quite understandably so. After all, logins added to the sysadmin server role can do anything on the database server, and we sure don't want that to happen either. In response to this, and to the many requests lately on the forums, my friend Robert Cavill, with Emeco Group in Australia, has submitted the following script, whi...

And speaking about Conferences...

It turns out, this is the time of the year when I start looking forward to next years events I would like to attend... as a speaker! It's my honor and priviledge to introduce two of the events I will be speaking at: Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Conference 2011 will be held in Fargo, North Dakota, USA on the 1st - 3rd March 2011. Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2011 Atlanta will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on the 10th - 13th April 2011. You will also be pleased to know that I will be presenting with my dear friend, Microsoft's David Musgrave , who has been cleared for both presentations. So, please, please, please help us with session ideas for the conference by emailing  your suggestions. Also, please feel free to post comments on this article AND also submit your thoughts to the Convergence NA 2011 Call for Topics site before it closes on the 20-Nov-2010. Kevin Machayya from the Microsoft Dynamics Partner Community Blog explains more in his post: ...

Dex - Why do memory tables seem to be slower in Dexterity 11.0?

As more of you begin to migrate your Dexterity 8.0 and Dexterity 9.0 customizations to be compatible with Microsoft Dynamics GP versions 10.0 and 2010, you may have noticed some performance decrease in your applications if using memory tables. The reason for this decrease in performance? There was a change to how memory tables were implemented since Dexterity 10.0. Originally, memory tables used the Ctree data structure but were created in memory. However, they needed large contigious blocks of memory and as more developers used them and data stored in them grew, Runtime Engine crashes were more noticeable when memory tables failed due to running out of usuable memory. See KB article 898993 - You receive an "Open operation on table mytable has used a bad file name" error message when you try to access a memory table in a program that you create by using Great Plains Dexterity. The change was to implement memory tables as local Ctree tables in the user's temp fold...

How to change your Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Map Services

In recent weeks, the newsgroups have been flooded with questions about the Bing Maps service not working at the street level for addresses in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 - see Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 map buttons not drilling down to the street level . While this issue is slated to be fixed in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Service Pack 2, the bottom line is, it has left a bit of a bad taste in users relying on this functionality. In addition, some users have questioned whether they can use a map service of their choice. There are a few well known services out there, for example Yahoo! Maps , Google Maps , or even some region specific services like Australia's . The good news is the Microsoft Dynamics GP community is full of individuals who are willing to share their knowledge without any restrictions and my buddy  Jon Eastman at Touchstone Group , a Microsoft partner in the United Kindom offers this Dexterity based solution. The Dexterity solution implem...

The Dynamics GP Blogster in Las Vegas, Nevada

The Dynamics GP Blogster will be visiting Las Vegas, Nevada, November 9 - 16. For those of you who would like to exchange business cards and ideas please don't hesitate to reach me at the Trump International. I will be available in the afternoons after 5:30 PM and as time permits. For those of you who decide to tag along for dinner or otherwise, table topics are fairly open or if you are a prospective or existing customer considering Dynamics GP or looking to move to the next level and would like some insight, please feel free to drop by. Please email me in advance using the link on the right so I can keep a headcount. Until next post! MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVP Maximum Global Business, LLC

Integration Manager: Integrating journal entries with Analytical Accounting Information

My good friend, David Musgrave , somehow manages to get me involved in interesting topics circulating in his inbox. Just recently, he came across a fairly long thread among his peers, needing to work out some Integration Manager issues for journal entries with Analytical Accounting information. David was kind enough to involve me, as I had posted an answer on the newsgroups a long time ago on this same issue. If you are one of the fervourous Integration Manager fans out there and have had to work on integrating journal entries with Analytical Accounting information, you may know this is only possible with the eConnect Adapter, not the Standard Adapter. The eConnect Adapter was introduced with Integration Manager version 10, and replaces the old SQL Optimized Adapter available in prior versions of Integration Manager. The eConnect Adapter in turn, leverages eConnect components to deliver a robust transactional environment for high volume integrations using ADO.NET to access Microsof...

Recovering missing eConnect stored procedures

A frequently asked question among developers is, what to do when eConnect stored procedures go missing from a Microsoft Dynamics GP company database. As for a background, eConnect stored procedures are typically prefixed by the letters "ta", and are encrypted at the database level. Object Explorer view of eConnect stored procedures Because of their encryption, the CREATE function cannot be scripted as with unencrypted stored procedures, rendering the following error message: But because things can go wrong (and may go wrong), what can you do to recover a missing eConnect stored procedure? Fortunately, the answer lays in a previous topic I covered a few months aback: The Microsoft Dynamics GP Database Maintenance Utility . The Database Maintenance Utility can also recover missing eConnect stored procedures and any other stored procedure that matter. Because eConnect is not a listed product in the DYNAMICS.SET file, your only choice of product is Microsoft Dynamics GP...